
Kapor Foundation Announces New Fellows Focused on Tech Equity Across Education and Workforce



Kapor Foundation awarded grants to academics and journalists researching and reporting on issues of ethical, responsible and equitable tech pathways and AI tools

OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Kapor Foundation today announced its new cohort of fellowship grantees in academia and journalism. The 14 awardees—nine in academia and five in journalism—are conducting groundbreaking research that uncover how current systems (from education to workplace to venture capital) create disparities in access, opportunities, and experiences across the tech sector. Their work, which aligns with the Foundation’s commitment to closing equity gaps, will receive support for dissertations, theses, or long-form journalism pieces that amplify more precise problem definitions and updated solutions.

These grantees are pursuing projects in one of five critical subject areas: computer science equity, inclusive tech pathways, tech accountability, entrepreneurship, and responsible AI. Each of the 14 fellows was selected for their intellectual rigor and the significance and potential impact of their research projects to the tech ecosystem.

“Research is a vital tool in dismantling systemic inequities in the tech sector. By supporting academics and journalists who are deeply exploring these complex issues, we are not only fostering a deeper understanding of the barriers that exist but also driving actionable solutions,” said Dr. Sonia Koshy, Chief Research Officer at the Kapor Foundation.

The 9 academic researchers represent a diverse group of doctoral or master’s students. They are producing in-depth research on a wide range of topics, including barriers to capital access for Black tech founders, rights-based AI regulatory frameworks, and the development of ethical, youth-inclusive AI auditing processes.

The 9 Kapor Foundation Academic Fellows for 2024 are:

●        Erin Anderson, Georgia State University

●        Andrea Dean, Georgetown University
          Law Center

●        Errika Moore, Georgia Institute of

●        Deepa Muralidhar, Georgia State

●        Annabel Rothschild, Georgia Institute of                               

●   Kaelyn Sanders, Michigan State      

●   Jaemarie Solyst, Carnegie Mellon      

●    Alicia Tsai, University of California,      

●    Meagan Turner, University of 

The five media fellows are a group of experienced investigative journalists working at publications across the country. They are conducting deep dives into crucial tech justice issues, such as AI’s evolving role in education and decision making on its deployment in schools , the ethical use of Indigenous data in AI training, barriers to entry and retention in Detroit’s tech industry, and tech accountability and censorship.

The 5 Kapor Foundation Media Fellows for 2024 are:

Jesse Dukes, CrosscurrentsTara Garcia Mathewson, CalMatters/The MarkupMeghan Sullivan, Indian Country TodayTasmiha Khan, PalabraEthan Bakuli, Workshift

For more information, please visit the Kapor Foundation’s Fellowship page here.

About The Kapor Foundation
The Kapor Foundation works at the intersection of racial equity and technology by removing barriers in order to make the technology ecosystem more diverse, inclusive, and impactful for communities of color. The Kapor Foundation is a recognized leader in the movement to transform the technology ecosystem by expanding access to computer science education, conducting research on disparities in the technology pipeline, supporting nonprofit organizations and initiatives, and investing in gap-closing startups and entrepreneurs. For more information on the Kapor Foundation and the Kapor family of organizations, SMASH and Kapor Capital, visit

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