
CNN Profiles Attochron Free Space Optical Solution for the Broadband Digital Divide



LEXINGTON, Va., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Attochron LLC, the provider of the only carrier-grade free-space optical communications (FSOC) equipment, was profiled by a CNN article that made worldwide headlines. The article was the No. 1 search result for the word ‘broadband’ on Google NEWS.

CNN Profiles Attochron Free Space Optical Solution for the Broadband Digital Divide

CNN ‘s article is about how Attochron and a US Tier 1 telecommunications carrier conducted a successful proof of concept (‘POC’) with a Fortune 200 global retailer in Attochron’s home state of Virginia. This ‘POC’ clearly demonstrated that, for the first time in history, Attochron’s free space optical communications could connect the retailer’s locations with a beam of light through the air meeting the requirements of both a leading carrier and a global retailer enterprise.

Leading telecommunications industry trade news source Fierce Network also published details of this POC which – along with the CNN article – have led to the global outreach from carriers everywhere.

This POC is extremely important because it shows that Attochron’s FSOC product: the ALTIS-7 (coming to market in Q1 2025) is ready to solve three of the largest – yet underserved — telecommunications market use cases now: 1. Enterprise access (where the majority of enterprises do not have fiber-optics or want to back up their fiber-optics with alternative connection), 2. Cell tower backhaul (where many cell towers lack a fiber-optic connection back to the network, and countless 5G cell sites can’t be deployed due to a lack of available fiber-optics), and 3. Multi-dwelling unit (MDU) access, where the majority of MDU’s globally have no fiber-optics at all, causing a lack of access by younger populations who need it to be competitive in work and school

About Attochron: In 2016, Attochron was private equity seed-funded by TCR, Inc. accelerating the pace of Attochron’s development and demonstrations. In 2023, Attochron demonstrated the world’s only carrier-grade optical wireless communications technology, having established a global patent position represented by 200+ patents and patents-pending for the only proven carrier-grade FSOC technology. Attochron has disrupted the FSOC technology space and is going to market with major carriers, enterprise customers, military integrators and government agencies.

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Press inquiries should be sent to Jim Olson, at 

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SOURCE Attochron, LLC

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