
No progress on water security in most countries assessed while complacency about crisis persists, finds BSI study



HERNDON, Va., Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The US has been rated as facing the highest level of water security challenge alongside relatively limited progress towards solutions in new analysis published by BSI and Waterwise. No improvement was found in the water security of 31 countries in the last year in the 2024 Water Security and Solutions Indicator, with the US scoring 53 out of 85, followed by China at 50 and India at 52. The study combines publicly available data with international polling of 9,300 people, finding a concerning disconnect between the reality of the challenge, public understanding of its severity, and the action required to turn things around.

Although 60% of respondents recognize water security as an important global issue, and three quarters specifically cite drought in their country as an issue, under half (45%) said addressing water security was as important as addressing climate change. Only 15% globally say they see water security discussed regularly by politicians or media, despite the fact that annual water use rose by around 3,500 billion m3 globally between 1900 and 2024 and will worsen with climate change. This equates to adding 895m3 of water demand each second or an Olympic sized swimming pool (2500m3) every 2.79 seconds.

Global water demand is projected to grow by around 1%, or 400 billion m3, per annum. On this basis, new calculations show the world could add 1268 m3 of water demand per second, equating to one Olympic sized swimming pool every two seconds.

The polling data suggests gaps between the reality of the global water security challenge and public comprehension of its scale – 74% were confident in their country’s freshwater supply, but this included 85% in India, 82% in Australia, and 73% in the US.

Of the 41 countries assessed for the water security challenge, the greatest increase in score was Spain, which went up by five points. 13 received higher scores representing greater water insecurity in 2024 – including Türkiye, Japan, the Netherlands and Belgium. Decreases, indicating water security improvements, were only seen in nine countries, including Sweden, Switzerland and Norway.

Positively, more than half of people (53%) believe individuals should take steps to reduce wastage. 73% globally support water use labels on products, reflecting a strong desire for actionable solutions. Similarly, 68% would be willing to spend more on brands acting on water efficiency and two thirds (67%) would purchase items using less water intensive materials even at greater cost.

Susan Taylor Martin, Chief Executive, BSI said: “While we are seeing pockets of progress towards a water secure world, there is more to do to promote understanding and positive change. This begins with awareness and recognition of the scale of the challenge, and how it fits into broader conversations about climate change and sustainability, from there our politicians and leaders can pave the way for action.

“While there is no single solution, we can and should take action today — from implementing water efficiency labelling to improving consumer choices, to advancing wastewater management in pharmaceutical development. There is much we can achieve collectively. At BSI, we believe individuals and organizations can come together to drive progress toward a sustainable future, where the supply of fresh water meets growing demands.”

Nicci Russell, CEO, Waterwise said: “Progress is frustratingly slow in most of the world and in other parts, the challenges posed by water security are actually growing. What is crystal clear from the research is that a key part of the solution is making sure that we use the water that we do have wisely in our homes and workplaces.”

Globally, Britons (21%) and the Japanese (15%) were least confident in their understanding of their country’s level of water security, potentially indicating the impact of insufficient political and media focus. Additionally, a quarter globally lacked confidence in their country’s infrastructure for ensuring water security, with the lowest confidence levels reported in the UK (32%) and Japan (44%).

BSI sets out tangible areas for action, including calling on media, policymakers and businesses to shape the conversation and raise awareness by incorporating water security into climate discussions. Additionally, BSI is urging consumers to be supported to make sustainable choices, for example via mandatory water efficiency labels, to boost consumer awareness and market innovation.

Explore the data on BSI’s dedicated dashboard.

CONTACT: Jennifer Lipman,

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