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The Future of Inheritance: How Millennials Are Rewriting the Rules on Estate Planning – Presented by



EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Rockpoint Probate announces a shift in estate planning as millennials prioritize digital assets, social causes, and flexibility, fundamentally changing the landscape of inheritance. Millennials. You’ve heard the gripes. They’re killing everything from plastic straws to homeownership. But here’s one thing they’re saving, or at least seriously shaking up—estate planning. Yeah, that’s right. While older generations may have tucked away their wealth and handed it over in a neat little package after they passed, millennials are looking at the whole deal differently. They’re less interested in the traditional ways of passing down wealth and more focused on new priorities—like digital assets, environmental responsibility, and making sure their lives reflect the kind of values they’ve lived by.

And it’s not just about doing things differently; it’s about making sure estate planning, that often dusty process for lawyers and accountants, catches up with the times. So how are they doing it? Let’s take a closer look at how millennials are shaping the future of inheritance and what that means for all of us.

Digital Assets: A New Kind of Inheritance

You probably wouldn’t have caught your grandfather worrying about his social media accounts when writing a will, right? But for millennials, who grew up with the internet humming away in the background, digital assets are just as important as the physical stuff. We’re talking everything from Bitcoin wallets to Instagram accounts with tens of thousands of followers, to online businesses they’ve built from scratch.

The real kicker? They’re not waiting until they’re gray and stooped to worry about it. They’re making plans now, drafting instructions for what happens to their digital lives when they’re gone. Some are appointing “digital executors”—yes, that’s a thing now—to take care of their online presence after they’re not around to tweet anymore.

As a result, the legal world is playing catch-up. Unlike grandpa, who knows a guy who knows a guy, Millennials search for well reviewed attorney online. Estate planning documents are starting to explicitly call out digital assets, and lawmakers are scrambling to write guidelines for an online afterlife. For millennials, this isn’t just about keeping up appearances. It’s about recognizing that digital stuff is real stuff, and it matters.

Money with Meaning: Social and Environmental Causes Matter

And then there’s the social stuff. Millennials aren’t exactly known for being shy about their passion for causes—social justice, environmental sustainability, and charitable giving. Their estate planning reflects those values, too. It’s not just about leaving a nest egg for the kids or passing on a family home. More and more, millennials are setting up their wills and trusts to ensure that their wealth continues making a difference long after they’ve checked out.

Charitable remainder trusts and donor-advised funds? You bet. For this generation, giving back is part of the package. And they’re smart about it, too, making sure their money goes where they want it—whether that’s protecting the planet, funding social causes, or ensuring their investments line up with sustainable values.

It’s a pretty sharp contrast to their predecessors, who often viewed wealth transfer as a way to secure the family name and fortune for generations to come. Millennials, though, want to make sure their wealth, however modest or grand, contributes to something bigger than themselves. That’s where their hearts are—giving back to the world while they’re still here and after they’re gone.

Flexibility and Control: Keeping the Reins Tight

Here’s another thing: Millennials like to keep their options open. Whether it’s switching jobs, changing cities, or rethinking life plans, they’re all about flexibility. Like Legal Loans, Inheritance Loans have become popular among Millennials. So when it comes to estate planning, they don’t want something set in stone at 35, only to be dragged along for the rest of their lives. They want to tweak, update, and control their future even when they’re not around.

This is where revocable living trusts come in—giving them control over their assets now and the ability to update plans as life inevitably changes. Millennials, unlike their grandparents, don’t view estate planning as a one-and-done deal. They see it as a living, breathing document that can be adjusted as they grow older, wealthier (hopefully), or have new ideas about where their money should go. Many Millennials are opting to secure Inheritance Funding to pay off their debts, start businesses, and manage their own estate rather than wait for Probate.

That flexibility is a key difference between them and the generations before. Sure, older folks used trusts and estate plans, but the idea of continuous control—even beyond the grave? That’s where millennials shine.

Estate Planning in the Age of Technology

But perhaps the biggest shift in millennial estate planning comes down to their comfort with technology. This generation lives and breathes digital tools, so it’s no surprise that they’re not waiting for some stuffy meeting in a wood-paneled office to get their affairs in order. They’re using online platforms, creating estate plans digitally, and signing off with e-signatures. In fact, some are even using blockchain to track assets for added security.

Estate planning services have noticed the trend, with more and more offering digital-first solutions that let users craft their wills, trusts, and other legal documents with just a few clicks. It’s estate planning for the click-and-swipe generation, offering convenience and ease at a fraction of the traditional cost.

And as the demand for digital estate planning grows, companies are getting smarter about ensuring privacy, safety, and security in ways that haven’t been seen before. No more filing important papers in a fireproof box under the bed—everything’s going to the cloud.

Financial Independence Over Inheritance

Here’s the thing: If you talk to a millennial about inheritance, don’t be surprised if they look at you a little sideways. Unlike previous generations who often banked on receiving a hefty check or a house in the will, millennials aren’t waiting around for an inheritance to secure their futures. They’re planning for financial independence—and that’s the real game changer.

Many of them are creating estate plans that focus more on funding their personal growth and financial independence than passing down wealth to the next generation. They’re thinking about student loans, home ownership (when they can afford it), and entrepreneurship. They’re not looking for a windfall; they’re looking to build something solid on their own.

What’s fascinating here is the mindset shift: Millennials see inheritance as a possible bonus, not the foundation of their financial plans. And they’re setting up their own estate plans with that same thought—thinking less about a windfall for future generations and more about teaching financial literacy, creating opportunities for growth, and making sure the people they leave behind have the tools to build their own financial futures.

A Whole New Approach to Legacy

In short, millennials are rewriting the playbook on estate planning. They’re thinking beyond the traditional boxes—rethinking wealth, inheritance, and what it means to leave a legacy. They’re more interested in living a meaningful life that reflects their values—whether that’s managing digital assets, contributing to causes they care about, or maintaining flexibility over their wealth distribution.

It’s a brave new world for estate planning professionals, who are learning quickly that to stay relevant, they need to offer services that meet the millennial generation where they are: online, on-the-go, and with an eye on the future. Inheritance isn’t dead—far from it. But it’s evolving, and the millennials are the ones leading the charge.

So, the next time someone tells you millennials are killing tradition, remind them—when it comes to estate planning, they’re not just breaking the mold. They’re creating a new one. And, like so many other things, they’re doing it their own way.

For more information about Rockpoint Probate Funding and its services, please visit 

Media Contact:
Rockpoint Probate Funding
Dan Burks-Goodman
Marketing Director
424-502-4645 x 894 

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SUS ENVIRONMENT has formally signed the agreement for Indonesian Makassar Waste-to-Energy Project




JAKARTA, Indonesia, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On September 24th, Shanghai SUS Environment Co., Ltd. and the Makassar City Government of Indonesia formally signed the Concession Agreement for the Makassar Waste-to-Energy Project. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Dr. Ridha Yasser, Assistant Deputy Minister of Energy of Maritime and Investment Coordination Ministry, as well as leaders from the Makassar Environmental Department, KPPIP, Finance Department, Government Procurement Policy Bureau, and Economic Coordination Department.

At the signing ceremony, Dr. Ridha Yasser, Assistant Deputy Minister of Energy, stated, “The implementation of this project represents a pivotal advancement in Indonesia’s transition to a clean energy future. The introduction of advanced waste treatment technology will not only help Indonesia address its municipal waste issues but also contribute to optimizing the country’s energy structure.”

Mr. Jiao Xuejun, Chief Technology Officer of SUS ENVIRONMENT, stated, “The Makassar Waste-to-Energy Project is not only a crucial component of SUS Environment’s global strategic blueprint but also a significant milestone in Indonesia’s march towards a green energy era and the innovation of its waste management system.” 

He further emphasized that SUS would leverage its technological and managerial strengths to ensure the simultaneous achievement of environmental, social, and economic benefits, working alongside various sectors in Indonesia to promote environmental protection and contribute to the well-being of local communities and global environmental improvement.

The waste-to-energy project, located in Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia, has a construction scale of 1,300 t/d and is equipped with 2 x 650 t/d incineration lines and a 1 x 35MW turbine & generator. 

The project is expected to commence construction in 2024 with an estimated total investment of approximately USD 200 million, with operations scheduled to begin by the end of 2026. With a total investment of approximately USD 200 million, the project is expected to commence construction in 2024 and commence operations by the end of 2026. The project will address Indonesia’s urgent waste management challenges while also significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

During construction, it will create numerous job opportunities for the local community and drive the development of related industries in Indonesia, reinforcing the country’s commitment to carbon neutrality goals and sustainable development efforts.

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Panasonic Holdings to Keynote at CES 2025




Yuki Kusumi, Group CEO, will take the stage

ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Emphasizing how technology touches all facets of our lives, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® announces Yuki Kusumi, Group CEO, Panasonic Holdings Corporation, as an opening keynote speaker for CES® 2025. Mr. Kusumi and Kinsey Fabrizio, CTA President, will share the news and discuss what to expect at CES 2025 during an event in Tokyo, Japan today.

“WELL into the Future is our theme for CES 2025,” said Mr. Kusumi. “The Panasonic Group’s legacy of social contribution – informed by our seven founding principles – continues to drive our actions as we work to fulfill our Founder’s vision of making today better than yesterday, tomorrow better than today.”

“WELL into the Future” embodies the idea that the Panasonic Group, through innovations and a commitment to addressing social issues, is leading the development of a wave of cutting-edge solutions to help achieve this vision for a better future.

The Panasonic Group, in collaboration with an ever-growing array of strategic partners who share its values and aspirations, continues to pursue the realization of this vision, not only through its products, technologies, and services, but also through its business activities – including the development of green energy technologies and circular economy practices to help address the urgency of the climate crisis.

With a long and distinguished career in research and development (R&D) and company management, Mr. Kusumi is passionate about innovation, digital transformation, and combatting environmental issues for a better, brighter future for everyone.

“Panasonic and CTA thrive on our abilities to recognize and drive trends in innovation and society,” said Gary Shapiro, CEO, CTA. “Under the leadership of Mr. Kusumi, Panasonic’s latest vision for a smart energy future and wellbeing is likely to move markets once again.”

During the keynote, the Panasonic Group will introduce new initiatives that focus on innovative technologies to enhance the sustainability of society, as well as the health, comfort and safety of families and individuals, and will demonstrate that the Panasonic Group is taking a new step towards realizing the future it aims for.

“As a participant in the first CES in 1967 and each one since then, Panasonic has built decades of innovation that prioritize people,” said Fabrizio. “With a keen eye for the future, we know that Mr. Kusumi will offer insights on how technology will affect many facets of our lives.”

Mr. Kusumi speaks following the CTA State of the Industry Address at 8:30 a.m. PT on January 7, 2025, in the Palazzo Ballroom at the Venetian. Dive into comprehensive wellbeing for us and our planet. For the latest information on CES 2025, visit and register here.

About CES®: 
CES is the most powerful tech event in the world – the proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators. This is where the world’s biggest brands do business and meet new partners, and the sharpest innovators hit the stage. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®, CES features every aspect of the tech sector. CES 2025 takes place Jan. 7-10, 2025, in Las Vegas. Learn more at and follow CES on social.

About Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®:
As North America’s largest technology trade association, CTA is the tech sector. Our members are the world’s leading innovators – from startups to global brands – helping support more than 18 million American jobs. CTA owns and produces CES® – the most powerful tech event in the world. Find us at Follow us @CTAtech.

About the Panasonic Group: 
Founded in 1918, and today a global leader in developing innovative technologies and solutions for wide-ranging applications in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, industry, communications, and energy sectors worldwide, the Panasonic Group switched to an operating company system on April 1, 2022 with Panasonic Holdings Corporation serving as a holding company and eight companies positioned under its umbrella. The Group reported consolidated net sales of 8,496.4 billion yen for the year ended March 31, 2024. To learn more about the Panasonic Group, please visit: 


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Electronic Caregiver and Samsung Electronics America Join Forces to Reveal Transformational Chronic and Aging Care Solutions at HLTH 2024




Addressing the Challenge of Chronic Conditions with Addison Care and Samsung Electronics America

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, one in three people worldwide live with multiple chronic conditions, impacting 2.7 billion global citizens. In America, the situation is even more severe, with an estimated 42% of citizens affected. Common conditions include hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, and respiratory illnesses. These chronic illnesses often lead to depression and behavioral health challenges, placing a significant physical, psychological, and emotional toll on patients. Alarmingly, 50% of treatment failures are due to non-adherence to care plans, such as medication management, lifestyle changes, and vitals monitoring. This non-adherence predominantly occurs at home, away from clinical oversight. Until now, there has been no scalable way to identify and address this issue.

Electronic Caregiver introduces Addison Care, an AI-driven 3D Virtual Caregiver that operates 24/7 in the patient’s home. Addison monitors and improves treatment adherence, performs automated wellness checks and vitals monitoring, provides companionship, manages medication schedules, and assists with daily tasks and routines. Addison is now available on Samsung tablets, mobile devices, and other Samsung smart home devices. At HLTH 2024 in Las Vegas, Addison will be showcased on Samsung tablets and integrated with Samsung’s newest Galaxy Watch7, which features FDA-approved vitals monitoring.

Revolutionizing Digital Health and Connected Care

Together, Electronic Caregiver and Samsung are transforming digital health and connected care, not only at home but throughout the entire patient journey—from clinic to hospital to home. With the increasing number of chronically ill patients, 55 million aging adults in the U.S., and 53 million family caregivers, the combination of Electronic Caregiver’s Addison Care solution with Samsung’s hardware, software, and security is a groundbreaking innovation.

Comprehensive Care Solutions

The combined solutions improve care outcomes, reduce social isolation, support mental health, extend functional independence, and enhance the quality of life. Addison, powered by Samsung, applies a three-phase strategy:

Engagement and Assistance: Addison protects, serves, educates, and entertains with interactive engagements for daily care and tasks, including gamification.Continuous Health Monitoring: Addison provides continuous health monitoring, early identification of health changes, facilitates timely interventions, and optimizes care coordination.Companionship and Connectivity: Addison offers companionship, on-demand virtual primary care, 24/7 emergency response, auto fall detection, and features to improve memory, concentration, and motor skills. It integrates with a centralized TeleCare operation where care coaches and nurses provide additional support.

Tailored for Diversity and Personalization

Electronic Caregiver and Samsung are dedicated to patient-centric care solutions. Addison is designed to be reliable, easy to use, and highly effective, tailored to personal choices, ethnicities, cultural preferences, languages, and health circumstances. Configurations are available for home, hospital, clinical support, senior living communities, home care providers, and other key stakeholders.

Innovative Interactive Features

Addison features highly engaging scenes with interactive objects, creatures, toys, musical instruments, plants, and surprises. It celebrates holidays, faith-based events, birthdays, and sporting events with users, maintaining constant engagement with endless animations.

Statements from Leadership

Anthony Dohrmann, CEO of Electronic Caregiver, Inc., states, “Addison, enhanced by Samsung, is the most unique, advanced experience for human-technology interaction ever created. The world will be surprised by what we’ve achieved for both user engagement, and care.”

Cherry Drulius, Healthcare Director at Samsung Electronics America adds, “Samsung believes digital health and connected care are the future. With Addison and Virtual Care available on Samsung devices, we can improve health outcomes, support self-care, and enhance wellness for countless individuals.”

For more information about Addison Care and the partnership with Samsung Electronics America, visit 

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