



RESTON, Va., Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Ibeos, a leading provider of standard and custom electronics for spacecraft, is excited to have added John Moberly to its executive team as Chief Growth Officer and GM of Government Programs. 

“We are excited to add John’s impressive experience to the Ibeos team.  John’s background puts him in a unique position to anticipate the needs of our customers, especially in the national security space.  With John’s help, we look forward to introducing Ibeos’s world-class avionics to a larger customer base”

says John Bevilacqua, Ibeos’ CEO.

In his role, John Moberly is responsible for engaging new customers and guiding Ibeos’ path forward with product development, road map, and strategy.  

John, a highly experienced aerospace and systems engineer, brings over 25 years of experience in the space industry to Ibeos with a career in space and technical intelligence spanning advanced space systems, payloads, algorithms, and most recently space cyber and data protection. Before joining the Ibeos team, John was the Senior VP of Space for SpiderOak Mission Systems, where he led the charge in helping the company establish a new standard for the secure transfer and exchange of information to, through and from space assets. John was also the President of LeoLabs Federal, and previously served as the P&L Director of the Space & Intelligence Business Area for Areté Associates, a company delivering algorithms and sensor processing for National Security Space Systems.  He’s a retired military officer of 20 years with the last 12 years spent in national security space and the Intelligence Community.

With a strong engineering and management background, John brings expertise in technical program management, business development and government relations that will accelerate growth at Ibeos, especially in on-board processing and compute.   

Moberly stated:    “I look forward to helping Ibeos accelerate growth.”

“We are a “scale-up” rather than a startup, and our technologies are a critical enabler to the rapidly growing space market.  Ibeos brings key solutions to power, energy storage, and processing and compute at the edge for time critical missions and these first couple of months have already been a whirlwind of customer demand to meet mission needs.”

Ibeos’ core products include power conversion and distribution, command and data handling, payload computing, and energy storage.  Over the last 10 years, Ibeos has delivered electronics to NASA, DOD, and commercial customers.  Many of its core products are TRL 9 and currently operating on orbit. 

John Moberly 

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