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GigaMedia Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore
Registration No.: 199905474H

80 Robinson Road, #02-00
Singapore 068898

TAIPEI, June 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 25th annual general meeting of the shareholders of GigaMedia Limited (the “Company”) will be held on June 27, 2024 at 11 a.m. local time at 8F, No.22, Lane 407, Sec.2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C, for the following purposes:



To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification, the following resolutions which will be proposed as Ordinary Resolutions:

1. Adoption of audited financial statements

RESOLVED that the Statement by the Directors, Auditor’s Report and Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended December 31, 2023 are received and adopted.

(Resolution 1)

2. Approval of appointment of auditors

RESOLVED that Deloitte & Touche and Deloitte & Touche LLP be and are hereby appointed as the independent external auditors of the Company until the next Annual General Meeting and that the Directors be and are hereby authorized to fix their remuneration for the financial year ended December 31, 2024.

(Resolution 2)

3. Approval of Directors’ remuneration

RESOLVED that the remuneration of all of the Directors is hereby approved in an aggregate amount not exceeding US$350,000 in respect of their professional services to the Company until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.

(Resolution 3)

4. Approval for authority to allot and issue shares

RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 161 of the Companies Act 1967 of Singapore (“Companies Act”), authority be and is hereby given to the Directors of the Company to:

(1) (a) issue ordinary shares in the Company (“Shares”) whether by way of rights, bonus or otherwise; and/or

(b) make or grant offers, agreements or options (collectively, “Instruments”) that might or would require Shares to be issued, including but not limited to the creation and issue of (as well as adjustments to) options, warrants, debentures or other instruments convertible into Shares, at any time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes and to such persons as the Directors may in their absolute discretion deem fit; and

(2) notwithstanding that the authority conferred by this Resolution may have ceased to be in force, issue Shares pursuant to any Instrument made or granted by the Directors while this Resolution was in force; and

(3) unless varied or revoked by the Company in general meeting, such authority conferred on the Directors of the Company shall continue in force:

(i) until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company or the date by which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is required by law to be held whichever is earlier; or

(ii) in the case of Shares to be issued pursuant to the Instruments that are made or granted pursuant to this Resolution, until the issuance of such Shares in accordance with the terms of the Instruments.

(Resolution 4)

5. Approval for share purchase mandate


(1) for the purposes of Sections 76C and 76E of the Companies Act, the exercise by the Directors of the Company of all the powers of the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire issued Shares not exceeding in aggregate the Maximum Limit (as hereafter defined), at such price or prices as may be determined by the Directors from time to time up to the Maximum Price (as hereafter defined), by way of market purchase(s) on The Nasdaq Stock Market (“Nasdaq”) or off-market purchase(s) on one or more equal access schemes as may be determined by the Directors as they see fit, which scheme(s) shall satisfy all the conditions of the Companies Act, and otherwise be in accordance with all other laws and regulations and rules of Nasdaq as may  be applicable, be and is hereby authorized and approved generally and unconditionally (the “Share Purchase Mandate”);

(2) unless varied or revoked by the Company in a general meeting, the authority conferred on the Directors of the Company pursuant to the Share Purchase Mandate may be exercised by the Directors at any time and from time to time during the period commencing from the date of the passing of this Resolution and expiring on the earlier of:

(a) the date on which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is held; and

(b) the date by which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is required by law to be held;

(3) in this Resolution:

“Average Closing Price” means the average of the closing prices of a Share for the five consecutive trading days on which the Shares are traded on Nasdaq immediately preceding the date of market purchase by the Company or the date of making the offer pursuant to an equal access scheme, which price shall be adjusted in accordance with the listing rules of Nasdaq for any corporate action that occurs after the relevant five day period;

“Maximum Limit” means that number of issued Shares representing 10% of the total number of issued Shares as at the date of the passing of this Resolution (excluding any Shares that are held as treasury shares as at that date); and

“Maximum Price” means the purchase price (excluding brokerage, commission, applicable goods and services tax and other related expenses) that shall not exceed 105% of the Average Closing Price; and

(4) the Directors of the Company and/or any of them be and are hereby authorized to complete and do all such acts and things (including executing such documents as may be required) as they and/or he may consider expedient or necessary to give effect to the transactions contemplated and/or authorized by this Resolution.

(Resolution 5)

6. To transact any other business as may properly be transacted at an Annual General Meeting of the Company.


1. Shareholders are cordially invited to attend the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting in person. Whether or not you plan to be at the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting, you are urged to return your proxy. A shareholder entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend and to vote instead of him.

2. Shareholders wishing to vote by proxy should complete the attached form.

3. The proxy form of an individual shareholder shall be signed either by the shareholder personally or by his attorney. The proxy form of a corporate shareholder shall be given either under its common seal or signed on its behalf by an attorney or a duly authorized officer of the corporate shareholder.

4. A proxy need not be a shareholder of the Company.

5. The proxy form (and if relevant, the original power of attorney, or other authority under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of such power or authority) must be deposited at Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717, or the office of the Company, 8F, No. 22, Lane 407, Section 2, Tiding Boulevard, Taipei 114, Taiwan R.O.C., not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting, that is by no later than 11 p.m. June 24, 2024 (New York time), or 11 a.m. June 25, 2024 (Taipei time), failing which the proxy shall not be treated as valid.

6. Electronic Delivery of Future Proxy Materials. Shareholders can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please follow the instructions below relating to “Electronic Delivery of Future Proxy Materials” and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials electronically in future years.

7. Only shareholders of record at the close of business on Nasdaq Stock Market (New York), on April 26, 2024 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting, or any adjournment or postponement of the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting. If you have sold or transferred the Shares you hold in the Company to another person (the “Purchaser” or “Transferee”) after April 26, 2024 and prior to the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting, you should immediately forward this Notice and the attached proxy statement and proxy card to the Purchaser or Transferee of such Shares, or to the bank, broker, or agent through whom the sale of such Shares was effected, for onward transmission to the Purchaser or Transferee.

8. The Company intends to use internal sources of funds or external borrowings or a combination of both to finance the Company’s purchase or acquisition of Shares pursuant to the Share Purchase Mandate. The Directors do not propose to exercise the Share Purchase Mandate to such extent that it would materially and adversely affect the financial position of the Company and its subsidiaries. The amount of financing required for the Company to purchase or acquire its Shares, and the impact on the Company’s financial position, cannot be ascertained as at the date of this Notice as this will depend on the number of Shares purchased or acquired, the price at which such Shares were purchased or acquired and whether the Shares purchased or acquired would be held in treasury or cancelled.


/s/ Cheng-Ming Huang


Cheng-Ming Huang (aka James Huang)
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer




Questions and Answers about the Annual Meeting and Voting

                Proposal 1
                Proposal 2
                Proposal 3
                Proposal 4
                Proposal 5

                Other Matters
                Proxy Solicitation

GigaMedia Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore
Registration No.: 199905474H

80 Robinson Road, #02-00
Singapore 068898



Why Did I Receive This Proxy Statement?

We sent you this proxy statement and the enclosed proxy card because the Company’s Board of Directors is soliciting your proxy to be used at the Company’s annual meeting of shareholders on June 27, 2024 at 8F, No.22, Lane 407, Sec.2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., or at any adjournment or postponement of the meeting. 

Who Can Vote?

You are entitled to vote if you owned the Shares on the record date (“Record Date”), which is the close of business on Nasdaq Stock Market (New York), on April 26, 2024.  Each Share that you own entitles you to one vote.

How Many Shares of Voting Stock Are Outstanding?

On the Record Date, there were 11,052,235 Shares outstanding. The Shares are our only class of voting stock.

What May I Vote On?

1. Adoption of Audited Financial Statements

2. Approval of Appointment of Auditors

3. Approval of Directors’ Remuneration

4. Approval for Authority to Allot and Issue Shares

5. Approval for Share Purchase Mandate

Other Business

How Do I Vote?

To vote by proxy, you should complete, sign and date the enclosed proxy card and return it promptly in the prepaid envelope provided.

How Do I Request Electronic Delivery of Future Proxy Materials?

If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please go to to indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials electronically in future years.

May I Revoke My Proxy?

Your proxy may be revoked prior to its exercise by appropriate notice to us.

If I Plan To Attend The Meeting, Should I Still Vote By Proxy?

Whether you plan to attend the meeting or not, we urge you to vote by proxy.  Returning the proxy card will not affect your right to attend the meeting, and your proxy will not be used if you are personally present at the meeting and inform the Secretary in writing prior to the voting that you wish to vote your Shares in person.

How Will My Proxy Get Voted?

If you properly fill in your proxy card and send it to us, your proxy holder (the individual named on your proxy card) will vote your Shares as you have directed.  If you sign the proxy card but do not make specific choices, the proxy holder will vote your Shares as recommended by the Board of Directors and our management.

How Will Voting On Any Other Business Be Conducted?

Although we do not know of any business to be considered at the meeting other than the proposals described in this proxy statement, if any other business is presented at the meeting, your returned proxy gives authority to the proxy holder to vote on these matters in his discretion.


The Company seeks shareholders’ adoption of the audited financial statements of the Company (the “Audited Financial Statements”), which have been prepared under Financial Reporting Standards in Singapore (“FRSs”) , in respect of the financial year ended December 31, 2023. Along with the Audited Financial Statements, the Company seeks Shareholders’ adoption of the Statement by the Directors and Auditor’s Report of the Company in respect of the same financial year.

Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by shareholders entitled to vote at the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Company (the “AGM”).

The Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board of Directors”) recommends a vote FOR this proposal.


The Company seeks Shareholders’ approval for the appointment of Deloitte & Touche and Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent external auditors of the Company to hold such office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company. The Board of Directors also seeks shareholders’ approval to authorize the Board of Directors to fix the remuneration for Deloitte & Touche and Deloitte & Touche LLP in respect of their services to the Company for the financial year ended December 31, 2024.

Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by shareholders entitled to vote at the AGM.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR this proposal.


The Company seeks shareholders’ approval on the remuneration of all of the Directors in an aggregate amount not exceeding US$350,000 in respect of their professional services to the Company until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.

Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by shareholders entitled to vote at the AGM.

The Company’s management recommends a vote FOR this proposal.


The Company is incorporated in Singapore. Under the Companies Act 1967 of Singapore (the “Companies Act”), the Directors may exercise any power of the Company to issue new Shares only with the prior approval of the shareholders of the Company at a general meeting. Such approval, if granted, is effective from the date of the general meeting at which the approval was given until the date on which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is held or is required by law to be held, whichever is earlier.

Shareholders’ approval is sought to give Directors authority to allot and issue new Shares and other instruments convertible into Shares during the period from the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting to the earlier of the next Annual General Meeting or the date by which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is required by law to be held.

Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by shareholders entitled to vote at the AGM.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR this proposal.


The approval of the Share Purchase Mandate authorizing the Company to purchase or acquire its Shares would give the Company the flexibility to undertake Share purchases or acquisitions at any time, subject to market conditions, during the period when the Share Purchase Mandate is in force.

In managing the business of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”), the Company’s management strives to increase shareholders’ value by improving, inter alia, the return on equity of the Group. A Share purchase by the Company is one of the ways through which the return on equity of the Group may be enhanced.

A Share purchase is also an available option for the Company to return surplus cash that is in excess of the financial and possible investment needs of the Group to its shareholders. In addition, the Share Purchase Mandate will allow the Company to have greater flexibility over, inter alia, the Company’s share capital structure and its dividend policy. 

The Company intends to use internal sources of funds or external borrowings or a combination of both to finance the Company’s purchase or acquisition of the Shares pursuant to the Share Purchase Mandate. The Directors do not propose to exercise the Share Purchase Mandate to such extent that it would materially and adversely affect the financial position of the Group.

Share repurchase programmes may also help buffer short-term Share price volatility and off-set the effects of short-term speculators and investors and, in turn, bolster shareholder confidence and employee morale.

Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by shareholders entitled to vote at the AGM.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR this proposal.


As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Company does not intend to present and has not been informed that any other person intends to present any business not specified in this Proxy Statement for action at the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders are urged to sign the enclosed proxy form and to return it promptly in the enclosed envelope. Proxies will be voted in accordance with shareholders’ directions. Signing the proxy form does not affect a shareholder’s right to vote at the Twenty- Fifth Annual General Meeting, and the proxy may be revoked prior to its exercise by appropriate notice to the undersigned.


The Company will pay the cost of preparing and mailing this proxy statement and form of proxy to its shareholders. The Company has retained Mackenzie Partners, Inc. to request banks and brokers to forward copies of these materials to persons for whom they hold Shares and to request authority for execution of the proxies.


/s/ Cheng-Ming Huang


Cheng-Ming Huang (aka James Huang)
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

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AIE Graduates create visual effects for Academy-nominated film




NAWI, a feature film whose visual effects were created by graduates from the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE), has been officially nominated by Kenya for entry into the 97th Academy Awards in the category of Best International Feature Film. NAWI is a heartfelt story about a young girl’s journey towards empowerment and aims to shed light on a pressing issue that affects countless young women in the Turkana region of Kenya.

CANBERRA, Australia, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — NAWI, a feature film whose visual effects were created by graduates from the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE), has been officially nominated by Kenya for entry into the 97th Academy Awards in the category of Best International Feature Film. NAWI is a heartfelt story about a young girl’s journey towards empowerment and aims to shed light on a pressing issue that affects countless young women in the Turkana region of Kenya.

“The film has a very important social message to tell so it was rewarding in many ways to be able to contribute to this project. NAWI was a fantastic opportunity for our graduates to put their skills to the test on a full-length feature film,” said Tom Pugh.

AIE graduates and teachers were given the opportunity to work on the film’s visual effects through AIE’s ongoing partnership with Learning Lions, who produced the film with Film Crew & Baobab Pictures. AIE is proud to support Learning Lions non-profit mission to enable young adults in marginalised rural communities of East Africa to become digital creatives by providing game development training and technology.

The visual effects for NAWI were brought to life by AIE teachers and experienced industry professionals, Thomas Magill and Tom Pugh, who were tasked with supervising the visual effects and liaising with the film’s Directors, Apuu Mourine, Kevin Schmutzler, Tobias Schmutzler and Toby Schmutzler. They assembled a team of recent AIE graduates and worked out how to create the effects required to immerse audiences in Nawi’s world.

“Graduates were able to take the skills they had learnt in class and apply them to cinema-quality footage. There was even a bit of nervous excitement working with professional expectations and deadlines,” said Tom Pugh.

Thomas Magill explained that most of the work involved compositing such as fixing blemishes, removing unwanted folds in clothing, changing pages in a book and removing background actors that were in the wrong place.

“We had a river shot where there was only a sandbank, and we had to create an entire island! There were several shots filmed in a dry riverbed which required us to create floodwater. We had to draw upon various disciplines: not just digital compositing but also visual effects creation and fluid simulations,” said Thomas Magill.

Both teachers enthused that the directors were a pleasure to work with and the collaboration was smooth.

“The film has a very important social message to tell so it was rewarding in many ways to be able to contribute to this project. NAWI was a fantastic opportunity for our graduates to put their skills to the test on a full-length feature film,” said Tom Pugh.

Learning Lions and AIE look forward to seeing NAWI progress through two rounds of voting by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to narrow the list of submitted films down to five nominees for the Best International Feature Film.

About Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE)

AIE offers practical, career-focused courses delivered by industry-experienced teachers in 3D animation, game development, visual effects and film. Since 2019 AIE has sponsored scholarships to their Certificate and Diploma programs to Learning Lions student. AIE provided laptops and is supporting with opportunities at various gaming companies around the world for paid part-time and full-time work.

About Learning Lions

Learning Lions is fighting poverty with digital opportunity. Established in 2015, Learning Lions equips local youth with essential IT and media skills, and empowering them to become entrepreneurs and self-sustaining individuals. By leveraging digital services, these aspiring entrepreneurs not only support themselves but also provide opportunities for others through employment and mentorship.

Media Contact

Neil Boyd, Academy of Interactive Entertainment, 61 434273190,,

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Valhalla MSO Launches Impetus One to Enhance Valhalla Vitality’s Telehealth Platform




Valhalla MSO launches Impetus One, enabling healthcare providers to expand services, improve patient retention, and boost revenue with no upfront costs

MIAMI, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Valhalla MSO is excited to announce the launch of Impetus One (IO), a new software designed to power the Valhalla Vitality Network Provider Program. This initiative aims to expand the reach and capabilities of independent healthcare providers by offering an alternative to the traditional insurance model. With a focus on preventative medicine and wellness therapies, the platform is set to enhance patient care while creating new revenue opportunities for providers.

The Valhalla Vitality Network Provider Program addresses the gap created by insurance companies that often deny coverage for preventative medicine, wellness services, and even weight loss therapies. Insurance typically does not compensate healthcare providers for the time spent improving a patient’s overall health. Impetus One (IO) offers an alternative by providing a cash-pay marketplace where providers are fairly compensated for delivering impactful, life-changing services to their patients.

Key Benefits for Providers

Impetus One Software Integration: The platform integrates seamlessly with Valhalla Vitality, offering an e-commerce marketplace that connects patients with a wide range of health services. Providers can easily adopt the system to deliver therapies and other services, ensuring smooth payment processing and order fulfillment.No Upfront Costs: Providers can join the Network Provider Program without any initial fees. They simply share a unique link with patients, allowing for easy access to services, and payments are processed as orders are placed. Partner pharmacies handle medication shipments directly, creating a hassle-free experience for providers.Boosting Patient Retention: The platform includes a VIP Rewards Program, designed to increase patient retention and loyalty. Patients earn points for discounts and exclusive benefits, which encourages ongoing engagement and care continuity.E-commerce and Wellness Integration: Unlike typical affiliate programs, Valhalla Vitality allows providers to retain full control of their patient relationships. Providers can generate revenue through the integrated e-commerce system without worrying about referral fees or kickbacks, enabling them to focus solely on delivering high-quality patient care.

By joining the Valhalla Vitality Network Provider Program, healthcare providers gain access to a scalable model that helps increase profits, introduce new services, and enhance patient satisfaction. The VIP Rewards Program also strengthens the bond between patients and providers, making healthcare more accessible and rewarding for all.

Healthcare providers looking to grow their practices and increase revenue can join the Valhalla Vitality Network by visiting Valhalla MSO’s new platform is a powerful tool for delivering advanced, patient-centric healthcare with a focus on accessibility and quality.

For more information, visit Valhalla Vitality at

Media Contact

Chris K., Valhalla Vitality, 888-888-8888,,

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Ultima Markets Wins Two Prestigious Awards at Global Forex Awards–Retail 2024!




LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Sept. 19, 2024  /CNW/ — Ultima Markets, a leading global forex and CFDs brokerage, is thrilled to announce its double success at the prestigious Global Forex Awards – Retail 2024. The company won two distinguished awards: “Best Affiliates Brokerage – Global” and “Best Fund Safety – Global.”

The awards were presented during the event in Limassol, Cyprus, where Jean Philippe, Board Advisor, Corporate Governance and Sustainability at Ultima Markets, accepted the honours.

The Global Forex Awards – Retail has celebrated excellence in trading innovation for seven consecutive years. Ultima Markets’ dual wins reflect its commitment to quality, client-centric strategies, and strong partnerships across the financial services sector.

The “Best Affiliates Brokerage—Global” award recognises Ultima Markets’ exemplary affiliate programme, which has successfully driven its global expansion. It is celebrated for its transparency and competitive rewards tailored to affiliate needs.

Receiving the “Best Fund Safety – Global” award highlights Ultima Markets’ efforts to safeguard client assets. Through its partnership with Willis Towers Watson, the company provides up to USD$1,000,000 in insurance per account, while its Financial Commission membership ensures clients access to up to €20,000 in compensation funds.

These recognitions underscore Ultima Markets’ priority to security and transparency, including segregated accounts and robust risk management practices. The broker also assures affiliate partners of exceptional standards.

Commenting on the awards, Jean Philippe said, “These recognitions reflect the exceptional work of our teams to ensure the safety of traders’ funds and our dedication to creating value for our partners and clients. We will continue to evolve and innovate to meet the market’s demands.”

Ultima Markets is renowned for its extensive range of trading products and personalised customer service, designed to meet clients’ diverse needs worldwide. The dual recognition marks a significant milestone in the company’s global growth and reaffirms its reputation for delivering fund safety and robust affiliate opportunities.

“We are delighted to be recognised with these awards, which reflect our mission to create a secure trading environment and build strong, rewarding partnerships,” said Jack Li, Ultima Markets’ Regional Business Director.

About Ultima Markets

Ultima Markets is a fully licensed, fast-growing broker offering access to 250+ financial instruments. With a team of 2,000+ professionals in 15 global offices, we serve clients in 172 countries. Check out more about our awards on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.



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