
The Federation of Employers of Ukraine has appealed to the European Commission and the European Parliament to reconsider the proposal to introduce automatic safeguard measures against exports from Ukraine



KYIV, Ukraine, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The EU’s introduction of Autonomous Trade Measures (ATM) for Ukraine in 2022 has been a crucial commercial lifeline for Ukraine’s agricultural sector. Together with the EU’s economic and military assistance these ATMs have played a key role in helping Ukraine’s economy recover from the initial shock of the invasion and helped preserve a large number of jobs and livelihoods. Agricultural exports are a vital source of revenue for the Ukrainian Government and the sector plays a disproportionately large part of the Ukrainian economy and the erection of further trade barriers will have a negative impact on macroeconomic stability and employment in Ukraine – and with it the war effort.

On the 31 January 2024 the European Commission proposed to introduce automatic safeguard measures against agricultural exports from Ukraine (in particular, poultry, sugar and eggs). These would be introduced without an independent investigation that finds concrete evidence that the ATMs were damaging European markets, and would have negative long-term consequences for both Ukraine and the EU, including through delaying the integration of Ukraine into the wider European economy. 

The FEU would draw to the European Commission’s attention three key factors which should be considered when debating the extension of the EU’s autonomous trade preferences for Ukraine for 2024-2025. 

That safeguard measures should only be implemented following an independent investigation that allows all parties to put their case forwards. Compliance with the EU’s interests in introducing protective measures at each specific stage of the autonomous trade preferences; Analysis should be done on the damage that would be cause by such restrictions on mutual trade and the further economic integration of Ukraine into the EU. 

Link to the full version of the letter:

Please contact to arrange an interview with the FEU.

About The Federation of Employers of Ukraine

The Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) – is the most influential association of Ukrainian business. Founded in 2002, by now for 20 years the FEU successfully represents and protects the interests of business in Ukraine and internationally. At present, the FEU unites more than 140 sectoral and regional organizations of employers representing the most important sectors of the economy of Ukraine, such as machine building, metallurgy, automotive, aerospace and defense industries, agriculture, chemical industry, IT, media industry, energy, medical and microbiological industry, construction, transport and infrastructure, retail and logistics, light and food industries, tourism, utilities, services sector.

The Federation represents over 8 thousands enterprises, collectively employing near 3 million people and generating about 70 % of the national GDP. The FEU is a member of The Confederation of European Business, shortened as BusinessEurope.


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