
Treasury Board President Anita Anand tables 2024-25 Main Estimates, including reporting on the Refocusing Government Spending initiative



OTTAWA, ON, Feb. 29, 2024 /CNW/ – Responsible spending is about making prudent investments in priorities that matter most to Canadians.

Today, the Honourable Anita Anand, President of the Treasury Board of Canada, tabled in Parliament on behalf of departments and agencies the Government of Canada’s spending plans for 2024–25, the Main Estimates and Departmental Plans. The Main Estimates provide details on how taxpayer funds will be allocated to fulfill government priorities as well as outline any proposed new government spending. Departmental Plans outline how the government will serve Canadians in the coming year, with details on planned programs and services, performance targets, and expected results.

The Main Estimates 2024–25 present detailed information on $191.6 billion in voted expenditures and $257.6 billion in statutory spending, for a total of $449.2 billion in planned budgetary spending for 129 organizations to deliver programs and services to Canadians. This includes $5.6 billion in spending for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, $8.4 billion for Health Canada, including funding to expand the Canadian Dental Care Plan, as well as $28.8 billion for National Defence investments including Ukraine, and training and equipment for the Canadian Armed Forces.

This funding allows the government to provide a wide variety of programs and services as well as to support other levels of government, organizations and individuals through transfer payments.

These documents are important tools for Canadians to hold government to account for the prudent investment of public resources.

These Estimates also present the first phase of the Refocusing Government Spending initiative announced in Budget 2023. As outlined in the Estimates, approximately $10.5 billion over the next 3 years from departmental budgets is being refocused towards top priorities for Canadians, like health care and housing. This is in addition to the refocusing of $500 million reported in the Supplementary Estimates (B) 2023–24, tabled in the fall.

Together with the second phase of the Refocusing Government Spending initiative, announced in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement, these reallocations will refocus a total $15.8 billion over 5 years and $4.8 billion every year thereafter.

Details of the refocused spending for each government department will be available in their respective 2024–25 Departmental Plans.

The government is committed to strengthening fiscal prudence and accountability while continuing to support Canadians by creating greater growth and opportunities. Canadians can explore the Main Estimates, Departmental Plans, and other government financial reports to see how public money is used on and GC Infobase.


“The government continues to invest prudently in programs and services that Canadians rely on while ensuring that resources go towards priorities that matter most to Canadians. Through the Main Estimates, we are reiterating the transparent, efficient, and prudent spending of taxpayer dollars.” 

–       The Honourable Anita Anand, President of the Treasury Board

Quick Facts

The 2024–25 Main Estimates present information on $191.6 billion in voted expenditures, meaning new spending, and $257.6 billion in statutory spending, already authorized through existing legislation, for a total of $449.2 billion in planned budgetary spending for 129 organizations to deliver programs and services to Canadians.Departmental Plans set the reference point for institutions to track their performance against objectives. Progress is reported in the Departmental Results Report following the end of the fiscal year.The Estimates documents include the Departmental Plans, Departmental Results Reports, Main Estimates, and Supplementary Estimates, which are tabled throughout the fiscal year, as required.Spending amounts in the Estimates represent “up to” amounts by each federal organization requesting authority to spend.Estimates data is also available through GC InfoBase, an online tool that presents performance results and indicators from departmental reports.

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Main EstimatesDepartmental PlansRefocusing Government Spending

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SOURCE Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

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