
GTT Group Releases 4th Quarter 2023 Patent Transaction Market Report (PTMR)



Global Technology Transfer Group, Inc. (GTT Group), the world leader in strategic patent analysis and patent transaction services, released its Fourth Quarter 2023 Patent Transaction Market Report (PTMR) this morning. The report includes the Patent Market Index (PMI®) and the Patent Licensing Index (PLI®).

PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Global Technology Transfer Group, Inc. (GTT Group), the world leader in strategic patent analysis and patent transaction services, released its Fourth Quarter 2023 Patent Transaction Market Report (PTMR) this morning. The report includes the Patent Market Index (PMI®) and the Patent Licensing Index (PLI®).

The fourth quarter PMI®️ grew 15.6% year on year. Michael Lubitz, Managing Director & Founder of GTT Group commented: “We are seeing an acquisition up trend in key technology areas which accounted for the uptick of activity in the fourth quarter. We will probably see a continued trending in first and second quarter with typical recording and data distribution lags.”

The PMI or Patent Market Index increased by 12.28% percent to finish the quarter at 104.2. The PLI or Patent Licensing Index increased by 17% in the fourth quarter. The PLI is up 23% for the year.

To obtain a complete copy of the report through a complimentary subscription to the PTMR please go to or email your request to GTT Group makes this information available as a courtesy to the community.

About the PTMR
For more than a decade, GTT Group’s Patent Transaction Market Report has provided subscribers with key data on the health of the patent marketplace. Within the PTMR, you will find the industry’s benchmark indexes and in-depth forecasting that are essential in understanding the current market and strategizing for the future. The quarterly report includes a detailed breakdown of the PMI® (Patent Market Index), showcasing the market’s overall health and trends. The report highlights notable transactions, including applicable technical areas and the most active buyers and sellers. The report compares the ROI for publicly traded licensing companies in aggregate vs. the S&P 500 via the PLI® (Patent Licensing Index). The quarterly report also provides insight regarding recent filing trends in emerging and disruptive technology areas.

About the PMI® and PLI®
The Patent Market Index (PMI®) tracks patent transaction activity and is reported quarterly in the Patent Transaction Market Report (PTMR). The Patent Licensing Index (PLI®) tracks publicly traded patent licensing companies and is also reported quarterly in the PTMR.

About Global Technology Transfer Group, Inc.
Global Technology Transfer Group, Inc. ( is the market leader and pioneer in patent analysis, patent transaction divestiture & acquisition. GTT Group is the forerunner in patent equity venture capital investing via its affiliated venture capital fund, Ideaship ( GTT Group’s patent asset house leverages core competencies in patent analysis, valuation, and market knowledge to deliver unparalleled results. The company’s corporate headquarters are in Portland, Oregon.

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“We are seeing an acquisition up trend in key technology areas which accounted for the uptick of activity in the fourth quarter. We will probably see a continued trending in first and second quarter with typical recording and data distribution lags.” – Michael Lubitz, Managing Director, GTT Group

Media Contact
Tyler McKinley, GTT GROUP, 503-200-5166,, 

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