
Virtual Bodyguard and Fire Safety App, Pulse Of The People™ – Committed to Lowering Crime and Saving lives in NYC – announces major rollout



NEW YORK, Aug. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Koowi Technology, Inc. of Brooklyn NY, hits NY metro area with broadcast campaign to increase personal and community safety with free safety app, Pulse of the People™.

We expect to see a sharp decline in missing children and other personal offenses as well as deaths by fire.

Describing the newly enhanced features, founder and CEO Joseph M. Browne illustrates a life-saving scenario: “Heaven forbid, there’s a mass shooter in a public space like a New York City school. Instead of arming teachers with guns, if they are armed with “Pulse Of The People” on their phones, first responders would instantly have a network of live video and audio feeds throughout the school so they can safely plot their entry and safely evacuate students and faculty within minutes of their arrival.” He adds, “Imagine how many more lives could be saved! And it cost nothing to the school!”

Another enhanced feature allows parents to set a one-click “panic” button for their children whenever they leave the home. If they feel threatened or sense danger, they can push the button and the monitoring station will have a precise location and audio/visual feeds within 3 to 5 seconds to assess the situation and dispatch the proper services.

Other enhanced features include fire alarms and safety warnings to avoid crisis zones within residential buildings, missing persons alerts, crime scenes and natural disaster alerts.

A TV campaign targeting New York City starts on July 30th. The spots stress the forever free download and usage of the app to encourage widespread distribution.

“The more downloads, the greater the life-saving efficacy of the POTP system.” Says Mr. Browne. “The app has already proven itself in other countries and with broad distribution in the U.S., we expect to see a sharp decline in missing children and other personal offenses as well as deaths by fire.”

POTP offers sponsorships to businesses and organizations wishing to help support safety in their community. Individual custom banners will allow sponsors to message the users each time they interact with the app.

For further information or to set up demonstrations of the app, call 718-434-6566.

Sheldon Richman

View original content to download multimedia:—committed-to-lowering-crime-and-saving-lives-in-nyc—announces-major-rollout-301901460.html

SOURCE Koowi Technology

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