
Breaking Barriers: Kuma Foundation Bridges the Gap with STEAM Education and Technology in Pune, India



Non-Profit Kuma Foundation, dedicated to empowering students in underserved populations with access to essential STEAM skills, narrows the digital divide through the opening of the world’s first Kuma Lab.

ARLINGTON, Va., June 30, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — In partnership with Rainbow Boosters and Pandit Abaji Panshikar Foundation, Kuma Foundation, a non-profit organization built on the principle that all kids deserve a chance at a high-tech future, has taken its mission global by providing a state-of-the-art computer lab, computer teacher, and digital literacy curriculum to a rural school on the outskirts of Pune, India – bringing 187 children from all grade levels online.

By empowering students with technology, Kuma Foundation aims to equip them with the means to explore new frontiers of knowledge, connect with the world, and cultivate vital skills for the 21st century. This not only enhances their educational prospects but also opens doors to new economic opportunities and fosters a more connected and inclusive society.

Foundation Founder and Board Chairman, Ray Kimble, reflects after the Pune Kuma Lab’s bustling opening day, “The highlight of this marvelous day, by far and quite emotionally, was seeing the kids sit at the computers and log in for the first time! It’s easy for many of us to take technology and our access to it for granted, and seeing the excitement and curiosity on their faces reminded me both of what a marvel it really is and how necessary to connect with the world and compete in the modern economy. These children are crossing a threshold that will empower them to cross a digital divide that has kept them behind their peers due to circumstances that have nothing to do with how smart, creative, and capable they are – and I couldn’t be prouder that we were able to be a part of making that possible.”

Ultimately, bridging the digital divide in India and across the globe is not just a matter of equal access to technology; it is a pathway towards creating a more equitable and prosperous future. Witnessing the profound impact technology has on students, we are reminded of the urgency to continue our efforts in narrowing the digital divide, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to thrive in the digital age.


Although STEAM careers are among the fastest-growing and highest-paying jobs out there, there are significant gender, racial, and socioeconomic gaps in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. As we move into an ever more technological future, we must ensure that all students are prepared to thrive in the future workforce. At the Kuma Foundation, we are committed to ensuring that all students—regardless of gender, race, or zip code—have access to essential STEAM skills. Our programs are designed to empower kids with the tools they’ll need to succeed in the 21st century, bringing STEAM education and career development opportunities to low-income and underrepresented kids in America and beyond. Visit to learn more.


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These children are crossing a threshold that will empower them to cross a digital divide that has kept them behind their peers due to circumstances that have nothing to do with how smart, creative, and capable they are.

Media Contact

Meghan Costello, Kuma Foundation, 1 800-993-7027 701,,


SOURCE Kuma Foundation

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