
University Students Use Carbon Offsets in the Battle Against Climate Change



LOS ANGELES, March 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — On January 5, 2023, the team of university students behind Carbonlink launched Carbonisbad, a revolutionary platform that promotes individualized action against climate change.

Users can visit to take the emissions calculator, understand their footprint, and select projects they wish to support through subscribing to the monthly payment plan. They can then subscribe to purchase monthly offsets; subscription packages range from $5 to $10 per month.

Offset projects vary from anti-deforestation efforts to renewable energy campaigns. The team has partnered with leaders in the regenerative finance space and is expanding the reach of Carbonisbad—currently available in the US—to empower the public to take the fight against climate change into their own hands.

An Ecosystem of Changemakers

Carbonisbad is working towards creating a community of environmental activists. All emissions offset on the platform are populated onto a public registry, allowing any user to see the broader impact of their subscription. Additionally, Greenwashed, an online environmental news source powered by Carbonlink, allows users to stay educated on current trends and conversations in the space.

About Carbonlink

College students from across the US—including the University of Southern California, Southern Methodist University, Indiana University, & Washington University—have banded together in the fight against climate change. Carbonlink is a sustainability startup, started at the University of Southern California, that uses blockchain technology to make carbon offsets more accessible.

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