The dropping of the suit came amid Terra facing a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Do Kwon possibly nearing the end...
A California resident is suing Binance and its CEO for tweets last November that, according to allegations, led to the collapse of the rival exchange.
The company’s co-founder and president, Justin Young, told Cointelegraph in an email that plans to launch at a later date were “TBD.”
CFTC chair Rostin Behnam told an audience at the Financial Industry Association Expo about the agency’s activity in the crypto space and its need for modern...
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — ComplyCube, the global Identity Verification (IDV) platform, has launched a new Age Estimation feature to safeguard minors online and protect...
The latest delays came two weeks before the second deadline for many applicants.
The former FTX CEO was reportedly invited by Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour to be her special guest at the Met Gala, only to cancel at the...
According to the scientists, there’s no universal method by which data can be deleted from a pretrained large language model.
Bitcoin and select altcoins are looking strong at the start of October, but will the flashpan bullish momentum last?
The license allows GSR to provide crypto and fiat-related services to Singaporean residents and entities.