The warning was issued after crypto exchanges jumped into the trend of providing PoR reports to assure users after the FTX debacle.
The investment branch of FTX, Alameda Research, reached an agreement to sell its interest in Sequoia Capital for $45 million in cash to the Abu Dhabi...
Bitcoin longs get punished by relatively small BTC price losses as BTC/USD trends towards significant support lines.
A U.S. judge denied the request to consolidate, saying that the defendants had not had the opportunity to respond.
Mt. Gox creditors have another month to file for their claims as the registration deadline was pushed back by another month.
Given the difficulties with classification, BaFin highlights the freedom of nonfungible tokens from licensing demands.
Jimmy Fallon wants out of the BAYC trademark case while Blur is responsible for the NFT market’s 3-month high.
Bitcoin ordinals have been the most hyped-up Web3 trend of 2023 so far. How do ordinals compare to traditional NFTs, and what are the opportunities?
The proposed stablecoin, the Satoshi Nakamoto Dollar, aims to be entirely free from any movements of USD, which require banking services.
BEIJING, March 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A news report from The consensus of the people of China and the US is that the two countries...