While poor market conditions have resulted in revenues falling for the crypto exchange in Q3, its effort to reduce expenses has led to some streamlining.
Canada’s government stated its concerns on the risks digital assets and the digitalization of money may pose to its financial system as a reason for launching...
“I actually think the first big games that have multimillion persistent users daily — those will come from new startup studios,” said William Quigley.
Energy provider Hydro-Québec cited the high energy demands anticipated in the Canadian winter in its reasons to reallocate 270 megawatts from crypto mining firms.
With atomic settlement technology, the company said its digital bond settles through the SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), not requiring a central clearing counterparty.
One report indicated that more than $2.5 billion in crypto was lost to cross-chain bridge hacks over the last two years alone.
The company said this acquisition is expected to diversify and bolster Bakkt’s revenue as it scales its offerings.
The financial services giant, along with Coin Metrics and MSCI, will help investors track market movements and screen hundreds of coins and tokens by their uses.
Users will be restricted to a £1,000 limit per transaction, and a total limit of £3,000 a month.
Many stakeholders expressed a desire to see more decentralization on the quintessential social media platform for the blockchain industry.