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Cboe Global Markets Reports Trading Volume for September 2024



CHICAGO, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Cboe Global Markets, Inc. (Cboe: CBOE), the world’s leading derivatives and securities exchange network, today reported September 2024 trading volume statistics across its global business lines and provided guidance for selected revenue per contract/net revenue capture metrics for the third quarter of 2024.

The data sheet “Cboe Global Markets Monthly Volume & RPC/Net Revenue Capture Report” contains an overview of certain September trading statistics and market share by business segment, volume in select index products, and RPC/net capture, which is reported on a one-month lag, across business lines.

Average Daily Trading Volume (ADV) by Month















Multiply-listed options (contracts, k)



-0.2 %


1.1 %



-2.4 %

Index options (contracts, k)



4.6 %


-6.2 %



11.9 %

Futures (contracts, k)



-1.5 %


-26.8 %



13.5 %

U.S. Equities – On-Exchange (matched shares, mn)



-2.6 %


-1.9 %



-2.1 %

U.S. Equities – Off-Exchange (matched shares, mn)1



17.0 %


8.8 %



-2.4 %

Canadian Equities (matched shares, k)



2.2 %


7.9 %



7.5 %

European Equities (€, mn)



19.5 %


19.5 %



0.6 %

Cboe Clear Europe Cleared Trades2 (k)



18.0 %


3.4 %



1.1 %

Cboe Clear Europe Net Settlements2 (k)



15.9 %


-4.0 %



9.3 %

Australian Equities (AUD, mn)



30.5 %


3.6 %



13.3 %

Japanese Equities (JPY, bn)



66.3 %


-6.7 %



85.0 %

Global FX ($, mn)



3.6 %


-6.3 %



7.1 %

1 U.S. Equities – Off-Exchange ATS Block metrics restated to incorporate a tier of sell-side activity from July 2023 and forward, previously
excluded from reporting.

2 Cboe Clear Europe figures are totals (not ADV) for the months and years-to-date. As of April 2023, data has been restated to reflect both On-
Book and Off-Book cleared trades.

September and Third Quarter 2024 Trading Volume Highlights   

U.S. Options

In the third-quarter, ADV for Cboe’s proprietary index options product suite reached an all-time high of 4.23 million contracts.Total volume in the third quarter in Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) options was 62.7 million contracts, with an ADV of 980 thousand contracts, the second-best quarterly volume on record.

Cboe Europe

Cboe Europe Periodic Auctions reported a monthly record average daily notional value (ADNV) of €2.4 billion in September, beating the previous record of €2.1 billion in April 2024.

Third-Quarter 2024 RPC/Net Revenue Capture Guidance

The projected RPC/net capture metrics for the third quarter of 2024 are estimated, preliminary and may change. There can be no assurance that our final RPC for the three months ended September 30, 2024, will not differ materially from these projections.

(In USD unless stated otherwise) 

Three-Months Ended 


3Q Projection




Multiply-Listed Options (per contract)





Index Options





Total Options





Futures (per contract)





U.S. Equities – Exchange (per 100 touched shares)





U.S. Equities – Off-Exchange (per 100 touched shares)





Canadian Equities (per 10,000 touched shares)

CAD 4.264

CAD 4.065

CAD 4.085

CAD 4.046

European Equities (per matched notional value)





Australian Equities (per matched notional value)





Japanese Equities (per matched notional value)





Global FX (per one million dollars traded)





Cboe Clear Europe Fee per Trade Cleared

€ 0.009

€ 0.008

€ 0.008

€ 0.008

Cboe Clear Europe Net Fee per Settlement

€ 1.030

€ 1.022

€ 1.033

€ 1.038

The above represents average revenue per contract (RPC) or net capture is based on a three-month rolling average, reported on a one-month lag. Average transaction fees per contract can be affected by various factors, including exchange fee rates, volume-based discounts and transaction mix by contract type and product type.

For Options and Futures, the average RPC represents total net transaction fees recognized for the period divided by total contracts traded during the period for options exchanges: BZX Options, Cboe Options, C2 Options and EDGX Options; futures include contracts traded on Cboe Futures Exchange, LLC (CFE).For U.S. Equities, “net capture per 100 touched shares” refers to transaction fees less liquidity payments and routing and clearing costs divided by the product of one-hundredth ADV of touched shares on BZX, BYX, EDGX and EDGA and the number of trading days for the period.For U.S. Equities – Off-Exchange, “net capture per 100 touched shares” refers to transaction fees less OMS/EMS costs and clearing costs divided by the product of one-hundredth ADV of touched shares on BIDS Trading and the number of trading days for the period.For Canadian Equities, “net capture per 10,000 touched shares” refers to transaction fees divided by the product of one-ten thousandth ADV of shares for Cboe Canada and the number of trading days for the period and includes revenue.For European Equities, “net capture per matched notional value” refers to transaction fees less liquidity payments in British pounds divided by the product of ADNV in British pounds of shares matched on Cboe Europe Equities and the number of trading days.For Australian Equities, “net capture per matched notional value” refers to transaction fees less trading fee relief in Australian Dollars divided by the product of ADNV in Australian Dollars of shares matched on Cboe Australia and the number of trading days.For Japanese Equities, “net capture per matched notional value” refers to transaction fees less liquidity payments in Japanese Yen divided by the product of ADNV in Japanese Yen of shares matched on Cboe Japan and the number of trading days.For Global FX, “net capture per one million dollars traded” refers to transaction fees less liquidity payments, if any, divided by the Spot and SEF products of one-thousandth of ADNV traded on the Cboe FX Markets and the number of trading days, divided by two, which represents the buyer and seller that are both charged on the transaction.For Cboe Clear Europe, “Fee per Trade Cleared” refers to clearing fees divided by number of non-interoperable trades cleared and “Net Fee per Settlement” refers to settlement fees less direct costs incurred to settle divided by the number of settlements executed after netting.

About Cboe Global Markets

Cboe Global Markets (Cboe: CBOE), the world’s leading derivatives and securities exchange network, delivers cutting-edge trading, clearing and investment solutions to people around the world. Cboe provides trading solutions and products in multiple asset classes, including equities, derivatives and FX across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Above all, we are committed to building a trusted, inclusive global marketplace that enables people to pursue a sustainable financial future. To learn more about the Exchange for the World Stage, visit

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Cboe Analyst Contact

Angela Tu 

Tim Cave

Kenneth Hill, CFA 


+44 (0) 7593-506-719



Cboe®, Cboe Global Markets®, Cboe Volatility Index®, and VIX® are registered trademarks of Cboe Exchange, Inc. or its affiliates. Standard & Poor’s®, S&P®, SPX®, and S&P 500® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services, LLC, and have been licensed for use by Cboe Exchange, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Any products that have the S&P Index or Indexes as their underlying interest are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor’s or Cboe and neither Standard & Poor’s nor Cboe make any representations or recommendations concerning the advisability of investing in products that have S&P indexes as their underlying interests. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Cboe Global Markets, Inc. and its affiliates do not recommend or make any representation as to possible benefits from any securities, futures or investments, or third-party products or services. Cboe Global Markets, Inc. is not affiliated with S&P. Investors should undertake their own due diligence regarding their securities, futures, and investment practices. This press release speaks only as of this date. Cboe Global Markets, Inc. disclaims any duty to update the information herein.

Nothing in this announcement should be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any securities or futures in any jurisdiction where the offer or solicitation would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction. Nothing contained in this communication constitutes tax, legal or investment advice. Investors must consult their tax adviser or legal counsel for advice and information concerning their particular situation.

Cboe Global Markets, Inc. and its affiliates make no warranty, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties as of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, completeness or timeliness, the results to be obtained by recipients of the products and services described herein, or as to the ability of the indices referenced in this press release to track the performance of their respective securities, generally, or the performance of the indices referenced in this press release or any subset of their respective securities, and shall not in any way be liable for any inaccuracies, errors. Cboe Global Markets, Inc. and its affiliates have not calculated, composed or determined the constituents or weightings of the securities that comprise the third-party indices referenced in this press release and shall not in any way be liable for any inaccuracies or errors in any of the indices referenced in this press release.

There are important risks associated with transacting in any of the Cboe Company products discussed here. Before engaging in any transactions in those products, it is important for market participants to carefully review the disclosures and disclaimers contained at:

Options involve risk and are not suitable for all market participants. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person should review the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (ODD), which is required to be provided to all such persons. Copies of the ODD are available from your broker or from The Options Clearing Corporation, 125 S. Franklin Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60606. 

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. You can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as “may,” “might,” “should,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential” or “continue,” and the negative of these terms and other comparable terminology. All statements that reflect our expectations, assumptions or projections about the future other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements, which are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions about us, may include projections of our future financial performance based on our growth strategies and anticipated trends in our business. These statements are only predictions based on our current expectations and projections about future events. There are important factors that could cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.

We operate in a very competitive and rapidly changing environment. New risks and uncertainties emerge from time to time, and it is not possible to predict all risks and uncertainties, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements.

Some factors that could cause actual results to differ include: the loss of our right to exclusively list and trade certain index options and futures products; economic, political and market conditions; compliance with legal and regulatory obligations; price competition and consolidation in our industry; decreases in trading or clearing volumes, market data fees or a shift in the mix of products traded on our exchanges; legislative or regulatory changes or changes in tax regimes; our ability to protect our systems and communication networks from security vulnerabilities and breaches; our ability to attract and retain skilled management and other personnel; increasing competition by foreign and domestic entities; our dependence on and exposure to risk from third parties; global expansion of operations; factors that impact the quality and integrity of our and other applicable indices; our ability to manage our growth and strategic acquisitions or alliances effectively; our ability to operate our business without violating the intellectual property rights of others and the costs associated with protecting our intellectual property rights; our ability to minimize the risks, including our credit, counterparty, investment, and default risks, associated with operating a European clearinghouse; our ability to accommodate trading and clearing volume and transaction traffic, including significant increases, without failure or degradation of performance of our systems; misconduct by those who use our markets or our products or for whom we clear transactions; challenges to our use of open source software code; our ability to meet our compliance obligations, including managing potential conflicts between our regulatory responsibilities and our for-profit status; our ability to maintain BIDS Trading as an independently managed and operated trading venue, separate from and not integrated with our registered national securities exchanges; damage to our reputation; the ability of our compliance and risk management methods to effectively monitor and manage our risks; restrictions imposed by our debt obligations and our ability to make payments on or refinance our debt obligations; our ability to maintain an investment grade credit rating; impairment of our goodwill, long-lived assets, investments or intangible assets; the impacts of pandemics; the accuracy of our estimates and expectations; litigation risks and other liabilities; and risks relating to digital assets, including winding down the Cboe Digital spot crypto market and transitioning digital asset futures contracts to CFE, operating a digital assets futures clearinghouse, cybercrime, changes in digital asset regulation, and fluctuations in digital asset prices. More detailed information about factors that may affect our actual results to differ may be found in our filings with the SEC, including in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and other filings made from time to time with the SEC.

We do not undertake, and we expressly disclaim, any duty to update any forward-looking statement whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof.

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SOURCE Cboe Global Markets, Inc.

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J.S. Held Expands Executive Leadership to Oversee Next Phase of Growth




JERICHO, N.Y., Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Global consulting firm J.S. Held, proudly celebrating 50 transformative years, announces Lee Spirer as its new President and Chief Operating Officer (COO), reporting to Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jonathon Held

Lee Spirer is a transformational leader with extensive experience creating value for investors in human capital-intensive businesses by focusing on developing innovative, high impact services for clients and building platforms which attract world class professionals to maximize their career success.

Over his 30-year career, Lee Spirer has been known for keen strategic insight tightly tied to successful plan execution, building and developing teams, tapping into innovation, and leveraging technology. His teams have balanced organic and acquisition-based growth strategies while driving operational performance.

CEO, Jonathon Held, commenting on Lee’s appointment to President and COO, reflects on his “extensive experience and proven ability to drive strategy focused on financial results and operational excellence.” Held continues, “I look forward to partnering with Lee to support all J.S. Held stakeholders – our team members, clients, and investors.”

Having started his professional career serving large complex clients as a strategy consultant, Spirer set the stage for his success in creating and cultivating human capital businesses including: 

Navigant, where he led the growth and transformation of the 6,000 professional company, more than doubling revenues and ultimately taking the company private and merging with Guidehouse.Kroll Risk & Compliance, where as President, he founded and built a new business intelligence division.IBM Business Consulting Services, where following the IBMs acquisition of Mainspring, a digital strategy/transformation company, he led global financial markets for the Fortune 100 company.

Over his career, Lee Spirer has operated in public and private companies, acquired and sold businesses, guided a company through an IPO, and interacted with a wide range of investors and boards. Most recently, he worked with several private equity firms to identify and evaluate potential investments. “Lee is a growth-focused business leader with a strong track record of success,” observes Steve Dutton, Partner at Kelso & Company, J.S. Held’s private equity partner. Dutton continues, “Lee’s proven ability to identify, evaluate, and drive value creation in the professional and technology-enabled services sectors makes him an ideal partner to support further growth at J.S. Held.”

Lee Spirer, commenting on what attracted him to J.S. Held, shares, “J.S. Held’s unique combination of a very strong market position on which to build, extraordinary human capital, a proven track record of organic growth, and ability to augment with acquisitions and successfully integrate those professionals presents the ideal platform for growth at all levels – presenting career opportunities for our professionals, value to our clients, and returns for investors.”  Spirer continues, “As president and COO, I am focused on further strategic growth, evolution, and scale through service innovation and technology.” 

Lee Spirer is now part of the dedicated and entrepreneurial team of experts who help transform J.S. Held. Explore our story and celebrate this momentous milestone, our 50 & Forward celebration, with us at

About J.S. Held

J.S. Held is a global consulting firm that combines technical, scientific, financial, and strategic expertise to advise clients seeking to realize value and mitigate risk. Our professionals serve as trusted advisors to organizations facing high stakes matters demanding urgent attention, staunch integrity, proven experience, clear-cut analysis, and an understanding of both tangible and intangible assets. The firm provides a comprehensive suite of services, products, and data that enable clients to navigate complex, contentious, and often catastrophic situations.

More than 1,500 professionals serve organizations across six continents, including 81% of the Global 200 Law Firms, 70% of the Forbes Top 20 Insurance Companies (85% of the NAIC Top 50 Property & Casualty Insurers), and 65% of the Fortune 100 Companies.

J.S. Held, its affiliates and subsidiaries are not certified public accounting firm(s) and do not provide audit, attest, or any other public accounting services. J.S. Held, its affiliates and subsidiaries are not law firms and do not provide legal advice. Securities offered through PM Securities, LLC, d/b/a Phoenix IB, a part of J.S. Held, member FINRA/ SIPC, or Ocean Tomo Investment Group, LLC, a part of J.S. Held, member FINRA/ SIPC. All rights reserved.

Kristi L. Stathis | Global Public Relations | +1 786 833 4864 | 

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MEDIA ADVISORY – Canada, Manitoba, and Giganawenimaanaanig to take a step forward on Red Dress Alert




WINNIPEG, MB, Oct. 3, 2024 /CNW/ – Please be advised that the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, and the Honourable Nahanni Fontaine, Minister of Families of Manitoba, will make an announcement about the Red Dress Alert pilot at Giganawenimaanaanig’s Day of Education and Awareness.

There will be a media availability following the announcement.

Media participation:

Media representatives are asked to RSVP to

Virtual participation will be available, and instructions to connect remotely will be provided upon registration.

Media are first invited to observe Ministerial remarks and engagement with families, survivors, MMIWG advocates and frontline workers at 11:30 a.m. The media availability will follow in an adjoining room.

Date:  Friday, October 4, 2024
Time: The announcement will start at 11:30 a.m. (CT), followed by the media availability.

Media representatives are invited to preposition 30 minutes before the start time of the event.

Canad Inns Destination Centre Club Regent Casino Hotel
1415 Regent Ave W
Winnipeg, Manitoba

The announcement will take place in the Grand Ballroom, and the media availability will take place in the Ambassador E.

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GovCan – Indigenous
Manitoba Government

SOURCE Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

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Secure Logistics Market to Grow by USD 32.74 Billion (2024-2028) Driven by AI and Increasing Demand for Secure Global Cash Circulation




NEW YORK, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Report on how AI is redefining market landscape- The global secure logistics market size is estimated to grow by USD 32.74 billion from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of over 7.4%  during the forecast period. Rising need for secure logistics for global cash circulation is driving market growth, with a trend towards growing ability to track shipments. However, competition from multiple secure logistics players  poses a challenge. Key market players include AGS Transact Technologies Ltd., Allied Universal, Cash Logistik Security AG, CMS Info Systems Ltd., GardaWorld Security Corp., Security Logistics Co., Japan Post Holdings Co. Ltd., Loomis AB, Paragon Security, Prosegur Compania de Seguridad SA, Securitas AB, Security Plus Group, SIS Ltd., SSL Logistics, StorageVault Canada Inc., The Brinks Co., and Writer Business Services Pvt. Ltd..

Key insights into market evolution with AI-powered analysis. Explore trends, segmentation, and growth drivers- View the snapshot of this report

Secure Logistics Market Scope

Report Coverage


Base year


Historic period

Forecast period


Growth momentum & CAGR

Accelerate at a CAGR of 7.4%

Market growth 2024-2028

USD 32736.1 million

Market structure


YoY growth 2022-2023 (%)


Regional analysis

APAC, North America, Europe, Middle East and
Africa, and South America

Performing market contribution

APAC at 37%

Key countries

US, China, Canada, Germany, India, and UK

Key companies profiled

AGS Transact Technologies Ltd., Allied
Universal, Cash Logistik Security AG, CMS Info
Systems Ltd., GardaWorld Security Corp.,
Global Security Logistics Co., Japan Post
Holdings Co. Ltd., Loomis AB, Paragon Security,
Prosegur Compania de Seguridad SA, Securitas
AB, Security Plus Group, SIS Ltd., SSL
Logistics, StorageVault Canada Inc., The Brinks
Co., and Writer Business Services Pvt. Ltd.

Market Driver

Secure logistics providers offer consumers a tracking code to monitor the progress and estimated arrival time of their shipments. This feature, enabled by various tracking technologies, provides numerous benefits. By keeping track of pick-up times and total transit durations, shippers can optimize costs and enhance logistics performance. Real-time visibility into shipment locations allows for quick response to delays and the ability to adjust transportation methods for improvement. Advanced notifications about delivery status help manage customer expectations and prevent dissatisfaction. Technologies like Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC), barcode readers, and Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) are commonly used for tracking. AIDC includes barcode readers and RFID, which utilize radio waves for data recognition. Bluetooth-enabled devices and real-time tracking technologies provide near-real-time coverage, enabling accurate shipment monitoring and theft prevention. Traditional tracking methods remain relevant, but advancements in technology continue to improve supply chain visibility. 

Secure logistics is a crucial aspect of supply chain management, ensuring the safe transport and storage of valuable goods. Deregulation and foreign direct investments are driving growth in this market, with high net-worth individuals and wealth management services also utilizing secure logistics for diamonds, fine arts, and other high-value items. Technology trends like blockchain, IoT, AI, and machine learning algorithms are enhancing security and efficiency. Governmental agencies and international regulations play a key role in setting standards for cash logistics, manufacturing, public infrastructure, and transportation modes like road, rail, air, and e-commerce. Static and mobile secure logistics solutions cater to various industries, including financial institutions, retailers, and inventory management. Real-time monitoring using RFID, GPS, and security personnel, along with armored vehicles and airplanes, ensure confidentiality and product authenticity for temperature-sensitive goods and valuable items. Outsourcing services in cash logistics, IT, and ATM management further strengthen the secure logistics market. 

Request Sample of our comprehensive report now to stay ahead in the AI-driven market evolution!

 Market Challenges

The global secure logistics market is characterized by the presence of numerous competitors offering similar services, driven by the forces of globalization. To stand out, logistics providers must adapt to customers’ unique needs, focusing on cost optimization and efficient order processing. Reducing transport delays and minimizing fuel costs are essential for cost optimization. Order processing involves accurately and swiftly handling orders to ensure customer satisfaction. Maintaining well-maintained fixed assets is crucial for consistent earnings and long-term success. In the competitive secure logistics market, companies that effectively implement these strategies gain a competitive edge.Secure logistics is a critical business function that ensures the safe and efficient transportation of valuable goods. Challenges in this market include managing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking for real-time monitoring. Security personnel, armored vehicles, and advanced technology like GPS tracking systems and tamper evident seals are essential for safeguarding cargo. Valuables such as fine arts, precious metals, and rare materials require extra security measures. Outsourcing logistics to IT services and cash management companies can improve efficiency but raises concerns over confidentiality and regulatory compliance. Temperature-sensitive products and time-critical deliveries add complexity. Security technology, weapon handling, and armed personnel are necessary for defense instruments, jewels, gems, and cash-in-transit. Robbery is a constant threat, making reliable SLA management crucial. Product authenticity is another challenge, especially for high-value items like precious metals and rare minerals. Last-mile delivery and cross-border transport require security measures. Brink Incorporated, Cash Services, and Security Services are key players in this market, offering armored car transportation and ATM management solutions.

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Segment Overview 

This secure logistics market report extensively covers market segmentation by  

Service 1.1 Security services1.2 Cash servicesGeography 2.1 APAC2.2 North America2.3 Europe2.4 Middle East and Africa2.5 South America

1.1 Security services-  The outsourcing of security services is on the rise due to the financial advantages of delegating non-core activities to established vendors. This global trend is driven by the high costs associated with maintaining an in-house security team, including recruitment and management. Securitas and G4S are leading vendors in this market, offering fully maintained security teams without requiring intervention from the client. Their trained workforce caters to diverse user requirements, such as corporate clients, shopping malls, individual customers, and airports. These factors are expected to fuel the growth of the secure logistics market in the forecast period.

Download a Sample of our comprehensive report today to discover how AI-driven innovations are reshaping competitive dynamics

Research Analysis

Secure logistics is a critical component of the supply chain, ensuring the safe and efficient transportation and storage of high-value goods. Deregulation and Foreign Direct Investments have fueled the growth of this market, particularly in emerging economies. Wealth management services and High Net-worth Individuals (HNWIs) have increased the demand for secure logistics solutions, including cash logistics and inventory management. Technological advancements, such as Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning algorithms, are revolutionizing secure logistics. Real-time monitoring through GPS and RFID technology, security personnel, armored vehicles, and cash-in-transit companies are essential players in this market. The transportation sector includes airplanes, while warehousing and cash management services are crucial for secure storage. Diamonds and gemstones require specialized secure logistics solutions due to their high value and vulnerability to theft. Cash services, including ATMs and cash management systems, are a significant segment of the market. Electronic payment systems have also increased the demand for secure logistics services to ensure the safety of digital transactions. Security services, including cash-in-transit companies and financial organizations, are key stakeholders in the secure logistics market. The integration of AI and machine learning algorithms in inventory management and transportation optimizes operations and reduces risks. Overall, the secure logistics market is a dynamic and evolving industry that plays a vital role in the global economy.

Market Research Overview

Secure logistics is a specialized field of supply chain management that focuses on the safe and efficient transportation and storage of high-value goods. With deregulation and increased foreign direct investments, the market for secure logistics has seen significant growth. High net-worth individuals and wealth management services are major consumers of secure logistics services for diamonds, manufacturing components, public infrastructure, and other valuable assets. Technological advancements such as blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms are transforming the industry, providing real-time monitoring, confidentiality, and regulatory compliance. Governmental agencies and international regulations play a crucial role in shaping the secure logistics landscape. Cash logistics, including cash management, ATM services, and cash-in-transit companies, are a significant segment of the secure logistics market. Temperature-sensitive products, fine arts, precious metals, and security technology are other key areas of focus. Static and mobile types of secure logistics cater to various industries, including retail, e-commerce, transportation, and warehousing. Security technology, such as tamper evident seals, GPS tracking systems, and armed security personnel, is essential for secure transportation of goods. Last mile delivery, cargo transportation, and defense instruments are other important applications of secure logistics. Outsourcing, IT services, and cross-border transport are also driving the growth of the market.

Table of Contents:

1 Executive Summary
2 Market Landscape
3 Market Sizing
4 Historic Market Size
5 Five Forces Analysis
6 Market Segmentation

ServiceSecurity ServicesCash ServicesGeographyAPACNorth AmericaEuropeMiddle East And AfricaSouth America

7 Customer Landscape
8 Geographic Landscape
9 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends
10 Company Landscape
11 Company Analysis
12 Appendix

About Technavio

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions.

With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio’s report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio’s comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.


Technavio Research
Jesse Maida
Media & Marketing Executive
US: +1 844 364 1100
UK: +44 203 893 3200

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