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RepRisk data shows decrease in greenwashing for first time in six years, but severity of incidents is on the rise



Research by RepRisk reveals a 12% year-on-year decrease of companies linked to greenwashing, signaling a major shift in corporate behavior

Despite an overall decline, high-risk cases of greenwashing surged by over 30%.Nearly 30% of companies linked to greenwashing in 2023 were repeat offenders in 2024. While the Banking and Financial Services sector experienced a 70% increase in climate-related greenwashing risk last year, this year’s report reveals a 20% decrease.

ZURICH, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — New research from RepRisk, a global leader in ESG data technology, shows a 12% decrease in greenwashing risk globally across all sectors during the year ending in June 2024. This is the first such decrease in six years.

RepRisk’s third annual greenwashing report finds this is likely the result of increased regulatory measures and companies engaging in greenhushing out of fear of pushback from stakeholders, especially consumers, investors, and regulators. While the prevalence of incidents has fallen, the number of severe greenwashing cases has increased by 30%, indicating there is still work to be done.

“Stakeholders are more aware of greenwashing risk than ever before,” commented Dr. Philipp Aeby, CEO and Co-Founder of RepRisk. “While regulators have successfully pushed forward legislation to deter greenwashing, the risk will keep evolving as new forms emerge, leaving companies open to reputational damage which impacts their bottom line. Greenwashing is often driven by corporate narratives. To uncover it, investors and companies should rely on what external sources reveal about these claims.”

The fall in net cases underlines that companies are increasingly cognizant that greenwashing is a material offence and are taking proactive steps to mitigate exposure. This is an encouraging sign for governing bodies banking on pending and active greenwashing legislation to instigate change.

However, RepRisk data found that 30% of all companies linked to greenwashing in 2023 were also flagged in 2024. This indicates that while public perception is having a big impact on the overall downward trend, more regulation, coupled with transparent data, is needed to reduce protracted cases and tackle the growing number of severe incidents.

The report also signals a significant shift in the greenwashing landscape of Banking and Financial Services. While the sector experienced a 70% increase in climate-related greenwashing from 2022 to 2023 – a trend also reflected in a report from the European Banking Authority published this summer – new RepRisk data reveals a 20% decrease in incidents globally across the sector from 2023 to 2024. Just over a third (36%) of financial companies linked to greenwashing last year were also linked to greenwashing in 2024, slightly above the 30% average across all sectors.

It is clear that regulation has had an impact on the overall downward trend. The UK saw a relatively modest reduction in incidents of 4%, whereas there was a 20% decline in the EU, which led the regulation wave based on the sheer volume of legislation that went into effect in the past 12 months. For example, the EU’s Green Claims Directive mandates that companies substantiate their environmental claims with robust evidence, contributing to a reduction in incidents across the continent.

However, regulation may not be the sole driver, as US greenwashing trends paint a different picture. Greenwashing cases in the US peaked in 2022, with 503 incidents – a 35% year-over-year increase from 2021. This was followed by a 10% decline in 2023 and a modest 6% rise in 2024. One possible explanation for the divergence in the US is the increasing politicization of ESG. The earlier decline may be linked to companies and funds becoming more cautious about promoting their green credentials, responding to pressure from investors, state attorneys general, and other state-level political figures opposed to considering ESG criteria in investments.


Notes to Editors

RepRisk captures greenwashing through the intersection of two criteria: (1) misleading communication and (2) an environmental issue such as local pollution or impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity. ESG risk incidents in this scope may include criticism of an advertising campaign deceiving consumers on environmental impacts, research findings revealing that a company is overstating the impact of an initiative, or coverage of company actions in direct contrast to climate commitments.

By excluding company self-disclosures in its data generation, RepRisk illuminates business conduct risks that could otherwise be obscured and could materialize into adverse impacts.

RepRisk determines severity as a function of three dimensions: firstly, the consequences of the risk incident (e.g., the scale of actual environmental repercussions relative to the green claims); secondly, the extent of the impact (e.g., one person, a group of people, a large number of people); and thirdly, whether the risk incident was caused by accident, negligence, or intent, or even in a systematic way. There are three levels of severity: low severity, medium severity, and high severity.

To provide more up-to-date data, RepRisk has discontinued the use of calendar years. While the 2023 report presented results based on both calendar years and the period from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023, the 2024 report adopts a uniform timeframe from July 1 to June 30 for all years from 2019 to 2024.

Later this year, RepRisk will expand its methodology by introducing six new Topic Tags. Alongside Greenwashing, the new tags will include Artificial intelligence, Deforestation, Ecocide, Mercury, and Social washing.

About RepRisk

RepRisk is a global leader in identifying and assessing business conduct and ESG risks for organizations worldwide. RepRisk focuses on what companies may not disclose, uncovering risks such as deforestation, human rights abuses, and corruption, giving stakeholders a clearer view of their business relationships and investments.

Through a combination of advanced AI with human expertise in 23 languages, RepRisk delivers daily updated data on business conduct risks for organizations of all sizes. RepRisk’s transparent and consistent methodology, refined over nearly two decades, transforms risk incidents into actionable insights to conduct due diligence and mitigate risk exposure.

RepRisk saves clients valuable time on research and analysis, empowering decision-makers to make fast, informed decisions that protect their interests, enhance value, and promote sustainability. Trusted by over 80 of the world’s leading banks, 17 of the 25 largest investment managers, top corporations, and the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds, RepRisk sets the global standard for business conduct data.

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Artprice by Artmarket’s 2024 Contemporary Art Market Report, coinciding with Frieze London and Art Basel Paris, thoroughly explores a market that has grown 1,800% since 2000, confirming that art is a safe haven in times of major crises




PARIS, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In this 29th Annual Report, Artprice by Artmarket presents and analyzes a denser-than-ever Contemporary and Ultra-Contemporary Art Market (see methodology at the end of the press release) with the opening of Frieze London this Wednesday, October 9, followed by Art Basel Paris on Friday, October 18, 2024.

Autumn is a busy period for the Contemporary Art Market, which is why Artprice publishes its essential Contemporary Art Market Annual Report in October. Among the key features of the report are of course the overall results from art auctions around the world and the AI data collected and processed by our proprietary AI, Intuitive Artmarket®. It also contains an identification of the main trends, a presentation of the top-selling artists with our famous Top 10, Top 100 and Top 500 rankings, a focus on a selection of hot Contemporary artists, breakdowns of the key art auction stats country by country, by different artistic mediums, and by different art movements, and, a focus on Ultra-Contemporary artists (under 40) highlighted the growing markets for works by women artists, for digital art and for NFTs.

Artprice’s Report on the Contemporary Art Market 2024 is available free of charge in French and English here:

According to thierry Ehrmann, Founder of Artprice and President of the Contemporary Art Market is no longer what it was in 2000. It has undergone profound structural change and has posted turnover growth of +1800% with works by many more Contemporary artists selling at auction (33,072 over the period 2023/24 versus 5,400 artists in 2000), and many more works being sold (132,380 today versus 12,000 in 2000). At the same time, it has expanded geographically, with 61 countries today having active art auction markets versus 39 in 2000. The Internet has of course accelerated the fluidification of ‘remote’ transactions, and today the Contemporary art market has established itself as the most dynamic and profitable segment of the entire 21st century art market.

A infinite field of possibilities for under $5,000

This past year set a new record for the volume of auction transactions involving Contemporary art works: more than 132,000 artworks changed hands. This growth has been driven by several factors including the globalization of demand and the digital online sales. At the heart of this dynamic is the segment of ‘affordable’ works, whose value remained under $5,000. It is here that supply and transactions have grown the fastest, posting a 6% growth in just one year.

In concrete terms, this price bracket accounted for 108,000 transactions (each acquired for under $5,000) representing 82% of the total number Contemporary art sales during the year. This affordable segment, often appealing to first-time buyers and discerning collectors alike, has experienced a remarkable and triply significant acceleration over the last decade.

The success of this market segment has been largely supported by emblematic figures of Contemporary art like Takashi Murakami, Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons as well as by world-renowned Street artists like Keith Haring, Banksy, Mr. Brainwash, KAWS, Shepard Fairey and Invader. Their editions, whether limited or produced in larger quantities, fuel this thriving segment.

I. CONTEMPORARY ART (artists born after 1945): Key figures 2023/24

–  $1.89 billion totaled over 12 months (July 1, 2023June 30, 2024)
–  Contemporary art represented 17% of the total global auction turnover from Fine Art and NFTs ($11.3 billion)
–  The 8th best performance in the history of the Contemporary art market
–  Down 18% compared with the previous year ($2.3 billion), due to a further contraction in the number of transactions above the million-dollar threshold 
–  Turnover has multiplied by 18 since 2000/01 ($103 million hammered)

Evolution of the number of Contemporary artworks sold at auction by price range 

Denser transactions

–  New record of 132,380 lots sold over 12 months (+4%)
–  The number of transactions has multiplied by 10.5 since 2000/01 (12,500 lots sold)
–  Transactions above the million-dollar threshold dropped 23%
–  The unsold rate rose to 35.6%
–  The record price for a Contemporary work this past year was $46.5 million (Basquiat)
–  The average price of the lots sold was $14,300

Structure of the Contemporary Art market

14 Contemporary artworks fetched over $10 million.
224 fetched over $1 million.
57% (75,395 lots) of Contemporary artworks sold for under $1,000.
Paintings accounted for 73% of global Contemporary art auction turnover with sculptures accounting for 10% and drawings for 9%.
Auction turnover from prints (4%) was higher than from photography (3%).

Contemporary artists

33,072 Contemporary artists had at least one auction sale in 2023/24
10 artists accounted for 29% of Contemporary art sales turnover

Soft Power of the Contemporary art market

1st –  the USA with $779 million in Contemporary art auction turnover.
2nd –  China with $511 million.
3rd –  the UK with $279 million.
4th –  France with $63 million.
5th –  Germany with $34 million.
Sotheby’s was the leading global vendor of Contemporary art generating $524 million (28% of total Contemporary art turnover).
Christie’s hammered $486 million (26%) and Phillips hammered $253 million (13%).
China Guardian was the leading Chinese auction operator with $57 million (3%).
Van Ham was the leading European auction operator with $9 million (0.5%)

Top 10 Contemporary artists by auction turnover 
(1is July 2023June 30, 2024)



Sales proceeds

Lots sold

Best result


Jean-Michel BASQUIAT (1960-1988)






Yoshitomo NARA (b. 1959)






George CONDO (b. 1957)






Keith HARING (1958-1990)






Julie MEHRETU (b. 1970)






LIU Ye (b. 1964)






Damien HIRST (b. 1965)






Richard PRINCE (b. 1949)






SALVO (1947-2015)






BANKSY (b. 1974)






II. ULTRA-CONTEMPORARY ART (artists under 40):

$148 million from Ultra-Contemporary Art sold at auction worldwide in 2023/24.
7th best year in the history of the Ultra-Contemporary art market.
In 24 years, sales revenue has multiplied 6.8 times (from $21.9 million in 2000/01).
Ultra-Contemporary art represented 8% of the Contemporary art market ($1.89 billion).
Ultra-Contemporary Art represented 1.3% of the total Fine Art and NFT market ($11.3 billion).
8,830 Ultra-Contemporary works sold in 2023/24.
The unsold rate was 36%, the same as for Contemporary art.

Structure of the Ultra-Contemporary art market

The average price of an Ultra-Contemporary work was $16,800.
Painting represented 85% of the turnover from Ultra-Contemporary art.
Drawing was the 2nd largest medium in this segment: $8.9 million (6%).
NFTs accounted for (4%) and sculpture generated (3%).
Hong Kong hammered 20% of the U-C segment’s turnover, and Mainland China generated 9%.
The UK hammered 19% of the Ultra-Contemporary art market ($28 million),   

Diversity of the Ultra-Contemporary art market

3,122 artists under 40 had at least one auction in 2023/24.
7 women appeared in the Top 10 Ultra-Contemporary artists by auction turnover.
Jadé Fadojutimi (1993) dominated her generation with 22 lots fetching $14 million.
Matthew Wong (1984-2019) generated the highest bid: $4.2 million for Night 1 (2018) at Christie’s New York on November 7, 2023.

NFTs by Ultra-Contemporary artists

Ultra-Contemporary NFTs generated $5.6 million.
NFTs represented 4% of the Ultra-Contemporary art market
The top-selling NFT in 2023/24 was Tony Tafuro’s (1989): OMB Red Eye/Blue Eye/Green Eye/Orange Eye (2024) which fetched $441,000 at Christie’s in New York on April 16, 2023.

Top 10 artists under 40 by auction turnover 
(July 1, 2023June 30, 2024)


Sales proceeds

Lots sold


Best result


Jadé FADOJUTIMI (b. 1993)






Lucy BULL (b. 1990)






Matthew WONG (1984-2019)






Avery SINGER (b. 1987)






Loie HOLLOWELL (b. 1983)






CHEN Fei (b. 1983)






Issy WOOD (b. 1993)






Christina QUARLES (b. 1985)






Ewa JUSZKIEWICZ (b. 1984)






Mohammed SAMI (b. 1984)






Return to pre-Covid levels, under the two billion dollar threshold

With a total of 1.888 billion dollars, the Contemporary art market returned to pre-pandemic levels, but was still above the average of the five years preceding the Covid crisis by $200 million.

In twenty years, the economic value of Contemporary Art has exploded, going from 169 million to 1.888 billion dollars, and the segment has become a key part of the global art  market, now representing 18% of its total value, compared with just 3% at the start of the 21st century.

This remarkable growth has not been limited to the soaring prices of emblematic artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Yoshitomo Nara or Jenny Saville. It has also been driven by a healthy densification of the market, with Contemporary works now representing 18% of the global Fine Art market.

Record volume of transactions

The number of Contemporary works sold at auction has more than doubled in ten years, thanks largely to the massive digitalization of art sales since the Covid crisis. This transformation has significantly expanded the market, with a spectacular +72% increase in transactions compared to the pre-Covid period. This growth has taken the total to a new record of over 132,000 transactions in twelve months. Generations X (44-59 year olds) and Y(24-43 year olds), who are increasingly bidding online via their smartphones, are key drivers of this dynamic.

Art, a safe haven in major crises

In conclusion, unlike the current economy, which has been impacted by the geopolitical and financial context, the art market is displaying relatively robust health, with records being hammered regularly in different countries and for works from all the artistic periods  during recent sales sessions. There have been no cancellations of classic and/or prestige cataloged sales for 2024 and 2025, which are the main indicators of the art market’s health.

The major auction houses and investors know very well that the art market is a safe haven. Uncertainty on the stock markets brings new funds and investments into the art market.

Artprice, for 25 years, has methodically analyzed the main crises of the 21st century facing the Art Market – the Nasdaq crash of 2000,  the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the Afghan war in 2001, the Iraq war in 2003, the subprime and CDS crisis in 2007, the negative rates period starting 2011, the Covid crisis in 2020, the Russia/Ukraine war, the sharp rise in interest rates and energy prices, the attacks of October 7 in Israel in 2023, the Near and Middle East conflict – the art market was significantly less impacted than the economy and financial markets.

The current period of major geopolitical unrest and the fear of a global economic crisis has clearly not got the better of the art market.


This Report analyzes all public auctions of Fine Art (i.e. painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, print, video, installation, tapestry and NFTs, but excluding antiques, anonymous cultural goods and furniture). It covers the global auction results recorded by Artprice by for works by artists born after 1945 (Contemporary Art), with a focus on artists aged under 40 (Ultra-contemporary Art), between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

All prices indicated in this Report refer to public auction results including buyers’ fees. All “$” symbols refer to the US dollar.

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DHN Healthtech Innovation Challenge 2024: MedySeva Takes the Top Spot; Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao Applauds Healthcare Innovation




BENGALURU, India, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The DHN Healthtech Innovation Challenge 2024 concluded on October 6, showcasing innovative solutions for India’s healthcare challenges.

Hosted by Digital Health News (DHN) in collaboration with IIIT-Bangalore, CHIME India, 100X.VC, ScaleHealthTech, and program partner Ninth Dimension, the event emphasized the role of technology in transforming patient care. Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao, the event’s chief guest, praised the platform for fostering innovation among startups. He remarked, “At the government level, we are looking at solutions that can improve care, reduce costs, and be implemented at a larger scale.”

Over 200 startups entered the challenge, with 14 advancing to the pitch stage. The top five showcased their solutions on demo day, judged by:

Dr. Lakshmi Jagannathan, CEO, Innovation Centre, IIIT-BMr. Feby Abraham, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer, Memorial Hermann Health SystemDr. Girish Kulkarni, Chairperson, CHIME IndiaVishnu Saxena, Founder & CEO, DHN and ScaleHealthTechSanjay Mehta, Founder & Partner, 100X.VCDr. Ganesh Hiregoudar, Director, TSB OTE Engineering, Dell Technologies

MedySeva, a telemedicine platform for rural healthcare, won the challenge. Runners-up included MicroHeal, chronic gut conditions management platform, and Marbles Health, an AI-driven mental health startup. Other notable finalists were Janitri (maternal health monitoring) and (AI-driven clinical decision support).

Vishnu Saxena, Founder and CEO of DHN, celebrated the participants’ courage, saying, “Innovation knows no boundaries, and it requires great courage to launch a startup. At DHN, our goal is to reimagine India’s healthcare by connecting innovative startups with hospitals where patients ultimately benefit.”

Dr. Debabrata Das, Director of IIIT-Bangalore, highlighted India’s dynamic healthtech landscape, noting, “India’s healthcare startup ecosystem is evolving quickly, with 7-10% of startups in health and over 7,000 health tech ventures nationwide.”

The event was a key moment for India’s healthtech community, bringing together startups, healthcare leaders, and innovators to shape the future of healthcare technology.

About DHN

Digital Health News (DHN) is India’s first digital health news platform and a trusted source for HealthTech News, Insights, Trends and Policy. Launched by Industry recognized HealthTech Leaders, DHN provides in-depth data analysis and covers most impactful news across entire ecosystem including- technology, Innovation, startups, hospitals, health insurance, govt policies, pharmaceuticals and biotech. DHN promotes collaboration through forums, webinars, and podcasts, empowering leaders in the digital health ecosystem India and abroad.


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PalawanPay engages over 20 million users through CleverTap




SAN FRANCISCO and MUMBAI, India, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — PalawanPay, a leading e-wallet solution from the Palawan Group of Companies, has partnered with CleverTap, the all-in-one engagement platform, to enhance customer engagement, drive personalization, and fuel significant growth.

Recognized as one of the fastest-growing e-wallets in the Philippines, PalawanPay complements its nationwide physical presence by offering a comprehensive suite of services accessible anytime, anywhere. The app plays a crucial role in realizing the company’s vision of becoming the leading money shop in the Philippines by providing advanced, technology-assisted financial services. Building on its substantial success, PalawanPay continuously strives to enhance financial activity rates, increase product awareness, and transition anonymous users into verified customers. The company also focuses on boosting conversions and re-engaging users to further strengthen and expand its growing user base.

CleverTap’s tailored solutions are pivotal in driving PalawanPay’s activations by unifying customer profiles and reducing drop-offs. These solutions accelerate transactions through personalized engagement and targeted promotions, maximizing user retention with automated reminders and real-time omnichannel optimization. Additionally, they proactively engage at-risk users to minimize churn and encourage reinstallation.

By deploying CleverTap’s integrated platform, PalawanPay engages with over 20 million users and achieves:

A 2.2x increase in conversion rates for new users within 1 week of the first app launch, with previously unbanked individuals in the Philippines gaining access to digital currency.A 7x increase on monthly repeat transaction rate for highly engaged users, relying on PalawanPay for their monthly financial transactions as compared to less engaged users.A 30% contribution margin on total transacted users, significantly contributing to PalawanPay’s overall transaction volume, demonstrating their loyalty and trust in the platform.

Third Librea, President and CEO of PalawanPay, said “At PalawanPay, our mission is to transform financial services in the Philippines by integrating advanced technology with our extensive network. Our collaboration with CleverTap has been instrumental in achieving our goals. The ability to personalize user experiences and deliver targeted promotions has significantly increased our customer engagement and transaction rates. This partnership not only enhances our offerings but also brings us closer to realizing our vision of becoming the leading money shop in the Philippines. We are excited about the future and remain committed to providing accessible and reliable financial solutions to our customers nationwide.”

Marc-Antoine Hager, Regional Head – SEA, CleverTap said “We are thrilled to collaborate with PalawanPay in their accelerated growth journey as they aim to transform financial services in the Philippines. At CleverTap, our focus is on empowering digital-first businesses to create meaningful customer experiences through personalized engagement and data-driven strategies. By integrating our platform, PalawanPay has been able to forge deeper connections with users and address critical challenges around user retention and conversion. We are excited to support PalawanPay as they continue to innovate and expand their services. We look forward to working with them to achieve even greater milestones together.”

PalawanPay was honored with multiple prestigious accolades at the Asian Banking & Finance Fintech and Retail Banking Awards 2024. The company continues to demonstrate its commitment to financial innovation and inclusion, delivering solutions that resonate with both consumers and the industry.

About Palawan Group of Companies:

The Palawan Group of Companies is composed of products and services such as Palawan Pawnshop, Palawan Express Pera Padala, Palawan ProtekTODO, Palawan Credit, and PalawanPay. A brand trusted by Filipinos for almost 4 decades, PGC is one of the fastest-growing financial institutions in the country. With its strength in remittance and pawning services, the company is the market leader in the industry and has over 70,000 branches, Pera Padala outlets, and PalawanPay Money Shops nationwide.

Palawan Group of Companies offers pawnbroking services, domestic and international remittances, microinsurance, bills payment, electronic mobile phone loading, cash-in of e-wallets, money exchange, ATM withdrawal, and cash disbursements.

Palawan Group of Companies introduced PalawanPay, an e-wallet app that allows users to send and receive remittances anytime, anywhere. PalawanPay is the company’s latest digital solution, offering faster, safer, and more convenient transactions. In addition to remittances, the app provides access to other financial services, including bills payment, e-cellphone load top-ups, and scan-to-pay QRPH codes. The app also features integrated functionality for pawn renewal, jewelry item purchase, ProtekTODO personal insurance, and international remittance claims.

Palawan Pawnshop, Palawan Express Pera Padala, and PalawanPay are supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. For more information, go to Palawan Pawnshop and PalawanPay Websites.

About CleverTap

CleverTap is the leading all-in-one customer engagement platform that helps brands unlock limitless customer lifetime value. CleverTap is trusted by over 2000 brands like Domino’s, Levis, Jio, Papa John’s, Zomato, Kotak Bank, Air Asia, Carousell, TD Bank, and Tesco to help build personalized experiences for all their customers. The platform is powered by TesseractDB™ – the world’s first purpose-built database for customer engagement, offering speed and cost efficiency at scale.

Backed by top-tier investors such as Accel, Peak XV Partners, Tiger Global, CDPQ and 360 One, the company is headquartered in San Francisco, with presence across Seattle, London, São Paulo, Bogota, Mexico, Amsterdam, Sofia, Dubai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Singapore, Vietnam, and Jakarta.

For more information, visit or follow us on:

Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in this press release may represent CleverTap’s belief in connection with future events and may be forward-looking statements, or statements of future expectations based on currently available information. CleverTap cautions that such statements are naturally subject to risks and uncertainties that could result in the actual outcome being absolutely different from the results anticipated by the statements mentioned in the press release.

Factors such as the development of general economic conditions affecting our business, future market conditions, our ability to maintain cost advantages, uncertainty with respect to earnings, corporate actions, client concentration, reduced demand, liability or damages in our service contracts, unusual catastrophic loss events, war, political instability, changes in government policies or laws, legal restrictions impacting our business, impact of pandemic, epidemic, any natural calamity and other factors that are naturally beyond our control, changes in the capital markets and other circumstances may cause the actual events or results to be materially different, from those anticipated by such statements. CleverTap does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or updated or revised status of such statements. Therefore, in no case whatsoever will CleverTap and its affiliate companies be liable to anyone for any decision made or action taken in conjunction.

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