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EveryMatrix announces a recommended public cash offer of SEK 59 per share to the shareholders of Fantasma




EveryMatrix Software Limited (“EveryMatrix”) announces a recommended public offer to acquire all shares in Fantasma Games AB (publ) (“Fantasma”) for SEK 59 in cash per share (the “Offer”). The shares in Fantasma are listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market (“Nasdaq First North”).

SLIEMA, Malta, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Summary of the Offer

EveryMatrix offers SEK 59 in cash for each share in Fantasma.The Offer values all shares in Fantasma at SEK 209.8 million (based on 3,556,535 shares in Fantasma).The Offer represents a premium of:121.40 per cent compared to the closing price of Fantasma’s shares on Nasdaq First North on 17 September 2024 of SEK 48.60;27.69 per cent compared to the volume–weighted average price of Fantasma’s shares on Nasdaq First North during the 30 latest trading days up to and including 17 September 2024 of SEK 46.21; and33.41 per cent compared to the volume–weighted average price of Fantasma’s shares on Nasdaq First North during the 90 latest trading days up to and including 17 September 2024 of SEK 44.22.Fantasma’s independent bid committee, comprising the independent members of Fantasma’s board of directors Antonia Svensson, Johan Styren and Johan Köningslehner, recommends the shareholders of Fantasma to accept the Offer. The recommendation is supported by a fairness opinion provided by Svalner Skatt & Transaktion KB (“Svalner”), according to which the Offer is fair for Fantasma’s shareholders from a financial perspective.Several major shareholders in Fantasma, who in aggregate control 50.79 per cent2 of all shares in Fantasma, including Fredrik Johansson, Karl Lindstedt, Christina Andersson, KL Capital AB, Martin Fagerlund, Oliver Jönsson, Tianzhi Zhou, and Eric Holmberg, have undertaken to accept the Offer, subject to the conditions set out under “Undertakings to accept the Offer” below.Completion of the Offer is conditional upon the Offer being accepted to such extent that EveryMatrix becomes the owner of more than 90 per cent of the shares in Fantasma (on a fully diluted basis) as well as conditions 2–7 set out under “Conditions for completion of the Offer” below.EveryMatrix expects to publish the offer document regarding the Offer today on 18 September 2024. The acceptance period for the Offer is expected to commence on 19 September 2024 and expire on 10 October 2024. EveryMatrix reserves the right to shorten and extend the acceptance period, as may be permissible under applicable laws and regulations.

Background and reasons for the Offer

EveryMatrix is a highly successful world-wide B2B provider of software for the iGaming industry. One of its largest revenue generators is the casino platform product Casino Engine, which is sold stand-alone or as part of a turnkey solution. EveryMatrix’s clients generate millions of euros of casino revenue each day. This has naturally led EveryMatrix to start producing casino games, distributed both to the Casino Engine clients and sold separately as part of the EveryMatrix casino aggregation product SlotMatrix.

EveryMatrix acknowledges that Fantasma is a highly respected games developer with a strong management team and a well-established games distribution. The acquisition of Fantasma will strengthen the EveryMatrix games division and unlock synergies between the companies. In particular, EveryMatrix has established distribution in the fast growing U.S. iGaming-market with a local team, licenses in all states, and direct contracts and integrations with almost all of the major operators.

Size matters when it comes to doing games distribution directly, outside the main games aggregators. More games gives more attention, easier sales, and better possibilities for strong account management. Joining the game portfolios of Fantasma and EveryMatrix thus lifts both companies and achieves the critical mass of games.

For the shareholders of Fantasma, the Offer presents a unique and attractive opportunity to realize the value represented by their shares into immediate and certain liquidity.

The Offer

The Offer consideration and the value of the Offer

EveryMatrix offers SEK 59 in cash for each share in Fantasma.

The Offer values all shares in Fantasma at SEK 209.8 million (based on 3,556,535 shares in Fantasma).

No commission will be charged by EveryMatrix in respect of the settlement of the Offer.


The Offer represents a premium of:3

21.40 per cent compared to the closing price of Fantasma’s shares on Nasdaq First North on 17 September 2024 (which was the last trading day on Nasdaq First North prior to the announcement of the Offer) of SEK 48.60;27.69 per cent compared to the volume–weighted average price of Fantasma’s shares on Nasdaq First North during the 30 latest trading days up to and including 17 September 2024 of SEK 46.21; and33.41 per cent compared to the volume–weighted average price of Fantasma’s shares on Nasdaq First North during the 90 latest trading days up to and including 17 September 2024 of SEK 44.22.

Potential adjustment of the Offer consideration

If Fantasma distributes dividends or makes any other value transfer prior to the settlement of the Offer, EveryMatrix will reduce the Offer consideration accordingly.

Rights under Fantasma’s incentive programmes

The Offer does not include Fantasma’s warrants of series 2021/2024, 2022/2025A, 2022/2025B, 2023/2026A, or 2023/2026B which are held by senior executives, key personnel and board members under incentive programmes established at the extraordinary general meetings of Fantasma held on 21 October 2021, 30 September 2022 and 6 October 2023, respectively. EveryMatrix will procure that the holders of such warrants will receive reasonable treatment in connection with the Offer.

Recommendation from Fantasma’s independent bid committee

Fantasma’s independent bid committee, comprising the independent members of Fantasma’s board of directors Antonia Svensson, Johan Styren and Johan Köningslehner, recommends the shareholders of Fantasma to accept the Offer. The recommendation is supported by a fairness opinion provided by Svalner, according to which the Offer is fair for Fantasma’s shareholders from a financial perspective.

Eric Holmberg and Martin Fagerlund are board members and Fredrik Johansson is the CEO of Fantasma and have (directly and indirectly through wholly-owned companies) undertaken towards EveryMatrix to accept the Offer, and Simon Blomqvist is a board member of Fantasma and representative of KL Capital AB which has undertaken towards EveryMatrix to accept the Offer (see “Undertakings to accept the Offer” below). Consequently, Eric Holmberg, Martin Fagerlund, Simon Blomqvist and Fredrik Johansson have a conflict of interest pursuant to Rule II.18 of the Takeover rules for certain trading platforms issued by the Stock Market Self-Regulation Committee (the “Takeover Rules”). Eric Holmberg, Martin Fagerlund, Simon Blomqvist and Fredrik Johansson have not participated in the independent bid committee’s resolution to recommend the shareholders of Fantasma to accept the Offer.

Undertakings to accept the Offer

The following shareholders, who in aggregate control 50.79 per cent of all shares in Fantasma, have undertaken to accept the Offer:4

Fredrik Johansson, holding 503,762 shares (497,762 directly and 6,000 indirectly through CF Digital Developments AB), corresponding to 14.16 per cent of all shares in Fantasma;Karl Lindstedt, holding 309,379 shares, corresponding to 8.70 per cent of all shares in Fantasma;Christina Andersson, holding 207,832 shares, corresponding to 5.84 per cent of all shares in Fantasma;KL Capital, holding 207,671 shares, corresponding to 5.84 per cent of all shares in Fantasma;Martin Fagerlund, holding 182,445 shares (20,000 directly and 162,445 indirectly through Dundo AB), corresponding to 5.13 per cent of all shares in Fantasma;Oliver Jönsson, holding 160,000 shares, corresponding to 4.50 per cent of all shares in Fantasma;Tianzhi Zhou, holding 152,669 shares, corresponding to 4.29 per cent of all shares in Fantasma; andEric Holmberg, holding 82,700 shares, corresponding to 2.33 per cent of all shares in Fantasma.

The undertakings to accept the Offer terminate if another party announces a competing offer for all shares in Fantasma at an offer consideration per share exceeding the Offer consideration by at least 20 per cent and EveryMatrix does not within 10 business days from the announcement of such competing offer announce an increase of the Offer consideration so that the new price per share under the Offer matches or exceeds the offer consideration per share under the competing offer. The 20 per cent hurdle and the right for EveryMatrix to match a competing offer apply to each and every competing offer as well as each and every increase of the offer consideration under any competing offer.

Conditions for completion of the Offer

Completion of the Offer is conditional upon:

the Offer being accepted to such extent that EveryMatrix becomes the owner of more than 90 per cent of the shares in Fantasma (on a fully diluted basis);with respect to the Offer and the acquisition of Fantasma, the receipt of all necessary regulatory, governmental or similar clearances, approvals and decisions, in each case on terms that, in EveryMatrix’s opinion, are acceptable;neither the Offer nor the acquisition of Fantasma being rendered wholly or partially impossible or significantly impeded as a result of legislation or other regulation, any decision of a court or a public authority, or any similar circumstance;no circumstances having occurred that have a material adverse effect, or could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect, on Fantasma’s financial position, prospects or operations, including Fantasma’s sales, results, liquidity, equity ratio, equity or assets;no information made public by Fantasma, or disclosed by Fantasma to EveryMatrix, being inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, and Fantasma having made public all information that should have been made public by Fantasma;Fantasma not taking any action that is intended to impair the prerequisites for making or completing the Offer; andno other party announcing an offer to acquire shares in Fantasma on terms that are more favourable to the shareholders of Fantasma than the terms of the Offer.

EveryMatrix reserves the right to withdraw the Offer in the event that it is clear that any of the above conditions is not satisfied or cannot be satisfied. However, with regard to the conditions set out in items 2–7 above, the Offer may only be withdrawn where the non-satisfaction of such condition is of material importance to EveryMatrix’s acquisition of Fantasma or if it is approved by the Swedish Securities Council.

EveryMatrix reserves the right to waive, in whole or in part, one or more of the conditions set out above, including, with respect to the condition set out in item 1, to complete the Offer at a lower acceptance level.

Approvals from authorities

According to EveryMatrix assessment, the Offer will not require any regulatory or governmental clearances, approvals or decisions.

Financing of the Offer

Completion of the Offer is not subject to any financing condition. The Offer consideration payable to shareholders of Fantasma that accept the Offer is financed in full by cash on hand.

Review of information in connection with the Offer

EveryMatrix has conducted a limited confirmatory due diligence review of Fantasma in connection with the preparation of the Offer. Fantasma has confirmed that no inside information regarding Fantasma has been disclosed to EveryMatrix during the due diligence review.

Management and employees in Fantasma

EveryMatrix does not intend to implement any material changes to Fantasma’s employees and management team or to the existing organisation and operations, including the terms of employment and the locations where Fantasma conducts its business.

Fantasma’s independent bid committee has approved that EveryMatrix offers certain key personnel of Fantasma, including the CEO, participation in a management incentive plan. The incentive plan, which is subject to and would be implemented upon completion of the Offer, is designed to ensure the continued long-term commitment of the participants in the plan. Participation in the incentive plan involves a possibility to receive a cash payment from Fantasma after a three–year period following completion of the Offer, to be determined based on the performance and a valuation of the combined group at the end of such retention period. Customary leaver-provisions as well as requirements on performance and good standing will apply to the participation in the incentive plan. Some of the key personnel of Fantasma that have been offered participation in the incentive plan are currently shareholders in Fantasma. Neither participation nor the size of the allocation in the incentive plan are related to any such shareholding in Fantasma.

Information on EveryMatrix

EveryMatrix delivers iGaming software, solutions, content and services for casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate management to global Tier 1 operators as well as to newer brands. The platform is highly modular, scalable, and compliant, allowing operators to choose the optimal EveryMatrix solution and combine with third-party and in-house technology and capabilities.

EveryMatrix empowers clients to unleash bold ideas and deliver outstanding player experiences in regulated markets. EveryMatrix has 1,000 employees across 13 countries and serves 300+ customers worldwide, including the regulated U.S. market. EveryMatrix generated over EUR 81 million in EBITDA during the 12 month period July 2023 to June 2024 and had over EUR 34.1 million in cash and cash equivalents as of 31 July 2024.

EveryMatrix Software Limited, registration number C51832, is a private limited liability company which has its registered office in Malta and headquarters at Piazzetta Business Plaza, Office 12, Level 10, Triq Ghar il-Lembi, Sliema, SLM1605, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EveryMatrix Holding plc., in which the CEO of EveryMatrix, Ebbe Groes, is the majority ultimate beneficiary owner.

EveryMatrix has not made any decisions involving any material changes to EveryMatrix’s business, the locations where EveryMatrix conducts its business or EveryMatrix management and employees, including their terms of employment, as a result of the Offer. In the period following the completion of the Offer and following careful review of the needs of the combined business, EveryMatrix will determine the optimal structure of the combined group and may then implement changes to realize efficiency.

More information about EveryMatrix is available at

EveryMatrix’s shareholding in Fantasma

Neither EveryMatrix nor its closely related companies or closely related parties own any shares or other financial instruments that give a financial exposure equivalent to a shareholding in Fantasma at the time of the announcement of the Offer, and they have not acquired or agreed to acquire any such shares or financial instruments during the six months preceding the announcement of the Offer.

To the extent permissible under applicable laws and regulations, EveryMatrix may acquire, or enter into agreements to acquire, shares in Fantasma in other ways than through the Offer. Any such acquisitions will be carried out or agreed and disclosed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Preliminary timetable

Publication of the offer document: 18 September 2024Acceptance period: 19 September–10 October 2024Commencement of settlement: 18 October 2024

EveryMatrix reserves the right to shorten the acceptance period and set an earlier settlement date as well as to extend the acceptance period and to postpone the settlement date, as may be permissible under applicable laws and regulations. Any such change of the acceptance period or settlement date will be announced by EveryMatrix in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Compulsory buy-out and delisting of Fantasma

In the event that EveryMatrix, whether in connection with the Offer or otherwise, becomes the owner of more than 90 per cent of the shares in Fantasma, EveryMatrix intends to commence a compulsory buy-out procedure in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act (Sw. aktiebolagslagen (2005:551)) in respect of the remaining shares not owned by EveryMatrix as well as promote a delisting of the shares in Fantasma from Nasdaq First North.

Applicable law and disputes

The Offer and any agreements entered into between EveryMatrix and shareholders of Fantasma in connection with the Offer are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sweden. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with the Offer shall be finally settled by Swedish courts, and Stockholm District Court shall be the court of first instance.

The Takeover Rules and the Swedish Securities Council’s rulings regarding interpretation and application of the Takeover Rules are applicable to the Offer.


EveryMatrix has engaged Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå as legal advisor in connection with the Offer.



This press release was submitted for publication on 18 September 2024 at 08:00 (CEST).

Information about the Offer is available at:

For administrative questions regarding the Offer, please contact your bank or nominee where you have your shares registered.


Important information

The Offer is not being made to (and acceptance forms will not be accepted from or on behalf of) persons domiciled in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, or South Africa, or whose participation in the Offer requires that additional offer documents are prepared or registrations effected or that any other measures are taken in addition to those required under Swedish law (including the Takeover Rules), unless an exemption applies.

This press release and any other documentation related to the Offer (including copies of such documentation) must not be mailed or otherwise distributed, forwarded or sent in or into any jurisdiction (including, without limitation, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand or South Africa) in which the distribution of this press release or the Offer would require any additional measures to be taken or would be in conflict with any laws or regulation in any such jurisdiction. Persons who receive this press release (including, without limitation, banks, brokers, dealers, nominees, trustees and custodians) and are subject to the laws or regulations of any such jurisdiction will need to inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable restrictions and requirements. Any failure to do so may constitute a violation of the securities laws or regulations of any such jurisdiction. To the extent permitted by applicable law, EveryMatrix disclaims any responsibility or liability for any violations of any such restrictions, and EveryMatrix reserves the right to disregard any acceptance forms whose submission constitutes a direct or indirect violation of any of these restrictions.

Forward-looking statements

Statements in this press release relating to any future status or circumstances, including statements regarding future performance, growth and other trend projections and other effects of the Offer, are forward-looking statements. These statements may generally, but not always, be identified by the use of words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “seek”, “will”, “would” or similar expressions. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that could occur in the future. There can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements due to several factors, many of which are outside EveryMatrix’s control. Any forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date on which the statements are made and EveryMatrix has no obligation (and undertakes no obligation) to update or revise any of them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws and regulations.


1 Source for the share price: Nasdaq First North.
2 The ownership percentage set out in this item is calculated based on 3,556,535 shares in Fantasma.
3 Source for the share price: Nasdaq First North.
4 The ownership percentages set out in this section are calculated based on 3,556,535 shares in Fantasma.

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WorldSkills Lyon 2024: Talented Winners, Long-lasting Legacy




LYON, France, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — After an intense week of competition, the 47th WorldSkills Competition has officially wrapped up, marking the end of a thrilling journey for 1,400 young professionals from around the globe. For four days, participants representing nearly 70 countries and regions competed fiercely in 59 diverse skill areas, transforming Lyon’s Eurexpo into a vibrant hub of craftsmanship and international talent.

From day one, the atmosphere was charged with energy as competitors showcased their expertise in sectors ranging from Manufacturing and Engineering to Fashion, Digital Technology, and Healthcare. The level of dedication and precision demonstrated throughout the week was a testament to the profound commitment these young professionals have to their trades, as well as their determination to showcase their nation’s worth on the global stage.

Last night, the closing ceremony of WorldSkills Lyon 2024, held at Groupama Stadium, brought the event to an emotional close with the announcement of medalists in each skill category. Four medals were awarded in each skill: Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal, and the Medallion for Excellence. This ceremony underscored the core belief of the WorldSkills movement: excellence is found in diversity – diversity of profiles, backgrounds, expertise, and techniques.

The list of medalists is now available. Visit to discover the winners!

What’s next?

The impact of WorldSkills Lyon 2024 extends far beyond the event itself. As the competition unfolded, and millions of people followed it in person or through media, WorldSkills Lyon 2024 spotlighted the crucial role of vocational education in today’s world and in shaping our shared future. By celebrating excellence, the competition highlighted the incredible ability of youth to drive the change our world needs through their energy and dedication. The legacy of this event lies in every vocation it has sparked and every future career it has inspired. This 47th edition has once again shown the world that where there is skill, there is a way.

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New Program Connects LG, Strategic Partners and Startups to Ignite Collaboration and Development of Innovative Ideas for a Better Future

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — LG Electronics today announced the launch of the LG NOVA Partner Alliance Program – a platform that brings together corporate partners and startups for cross-industry collaborations, technology and business development, and commercial partnerships to catalyze the growth of innovations for the future.

Spearheaded by LG NOVA, LG Electronics’ North America Innovation Center, the Program extends the success of LG NOVA’s mission to co-create new ventures with startups to its corporate partners with the goal to encourage exponential growth of new innovations in the market by creating more pathways for innovative ideas to flourish at a greater rate.

Joining the Partner Alliance Program at launch are Fujitsu Research of America, Hyundai CRADLE, IBM, Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange, Niantic and the West Virginia Department of Economic Development. These organizations have all signed on to work with LG NOVA and its extensive startup ecosystem to generate and explore new concepts; develop, test, and validate those concepts; and collaborate on innovative product solutions or even co-create new businesses. Additional partners will be added to the Partner Alliance Program in the coming months.

“The new Partner Alliance Program aligns with our core mission to collaborate and create an ecosystem for startups to thrive and ensure that the innovations today become the market-leading solutions of tomorrow,” said Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, corporate executive vice president for Innovation, LG Electronics and head of LG NOVA.

Kevin Chong, LG NOVA’s head of corporate and business development, said, “This program is a win-win for all parties, including LG, as we continue to explore new ideas for business co-creation. The growth of new ideas and cross-industry collaboration will help the markets move forward faster towards a better future that benefits all of us, businesses, people and the planet.”

In bringing on corporate partners to its Program, LG NOVA is helping to create more opportunities for startups to find quintessential industry partners that will help it reach commercial success at a larger level, Chong explained. For the corporate partners, finding innovative startups to work with will help them address new market opportunities, extend their businesses into new areas and better address the changing needs of their customers. 

The Partner Alliance Program will leverage the resources of LG Electronics existing business units while also tapping into the pipeline of startups and resources available through the LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future initiative – a broad umbrella of programs designed around engaging with the entire innovation ecosystem to explore ideas on creating a better future through collaboration and tech innovations.

LG NOVA and the newly announced partners in the Partner Alliance Program plan to share more about their goals and vision for this program at the 2024 LG NOVA InnoFest, Sept. 25-26, at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, Calif.

LG NOVA’s annual InnoFest conference unites business leaders, innovators and investors to collaborate on solutions for a better future, this year, under the theme of “Lighting the Halo of Innovation,” inspiring attendees to focus on impactful co-creation and bold ideas. For more information about this year’s event visit

LG NOVA, the North America Innovation Center for global innovation leader LG Electronics, is a team focused on bringing innovation from the outside to LG. LG NOVA is based in Santa Clara, Calif. The center’s mission is to fuel innovation for LG and its partners by establishing a community to create, nurture and grow businesses. Learn more about LG NOVA at

About LG Electronics USA
LG Electronics USA, Inc., based in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., is the North American subsidiary of LG Electronics, Inc., a $60-billion-plus global innovator in technology and manufacturing. In the United States, LG sells a wide range of innovative home appliances, home entertainment products, commercial displays, air conditioning systems, energy solutions and vehicle components. LG is an 11-time ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year.

Media Contact:

LG Electronics USA

Linda Quach
+1 408 903 3045

Partners & Quotes

Fujitsu Research of America

“We are excited to join LG NOVA in the Partner Alliance Program to explore new collaboration opportunities with them. LG NOVA approach to innovation and the Partner Alliance Program is a meaningful way for organizations from across different market sectors to come together and innovate,” said Takuto Komatsuki, Senior Director at Fujitsu Research of America.

About Fujitsu Research of America

Fujitsu Research of America is focused on developing cutting-edge technologies to solve digital transformation (DX) challenges faced by its customers. Its vision is to build a sustainable world through innovation and trusted partnerships. At Fujitsu Research of America (FRA), we have a myriad of very talented people working in a variety of areas – AI with transparency and ethics, social digital twin, web 3.0 technologies, quantum algorithms, and much more.

About Hyundai CRADLE

Hyundai CRADLE for Human-centered Mobility Innovation

Hyundai CRADLE is Hyundai Motor’s corporate venturing and open innovation business, which partners and invests extensively in prominent global startups to accelerate the development of advanced future automotive technologies. CRADLE identifies newly established startups that focus, amongst others, on ‘Disruptive Innovations.’

About IBM

IBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. More than 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM’s hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM’s breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM’s long-standing commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service.

Visit for more information.

Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange

“We look forward to collaborating with the LG NOVA team to share our expertise in healthcare innovation and to explore new opportunities with startups seeking to improve patient care and health outcomes.” said Jennie Kung, Vice Chair of the Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange.

About The Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange

The Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange is a dynamic platform designed to accelerate healthcare innovation and foster collaboration among the global healthcare community. Leveraging Mayo Clinic’s world-class expertise and resources, the Innovation Exchange bridges the gap between emerging technologies and clinical practice, research, and education to bring breakthrough innovations to market, all for one shared mission—to benefit patients.


“We see a great opportunity for entirely new spatial experiences leveraging AI and our 3D map
technology, tools and services to come to the forefront in the near future. We’re glad to see the
LG NOVA Partner Alliance program launch, as it has the potential to lead us to greater
collaboration across the growing ecosystem,” said Maryam Sabour, Director of Business
Development and Strategic Partnerships Lead at Niantic. 

About Niantic

Niantic’s global-scale augmented reality platform and digital map power spatial computing experiences in the real world. Incubated out of the Maps team at Google, Niantic first created Ingress and then Pokémon GO, a collaboration with The Pokémon Company, which has become a cultural phenomenon and hit game played by tens of millions of people each month. Niantic’s maps platform, which powers Pokémon GO, also supports the company’s other games and applications including Pikmin Bloom, Peridot, Monster Hunter Now and Niantic Scaniverse. Niantic’s mapping, AR and mixed reality platforms, tools and services are used by thousands of developers around the world. 

West Virginia Department of Economic Development

West Virginia’s Department of Economic Development is eager to collaborate with LG NOVA through the new Partner Alliance program,” said West Virginia Department of Economic Development Executive Director, Mike Graney. “We look forward to strengthening our relationship with LG and engaging with the businesses throughout West Virginia.”

About the West Virginia Department of Economic Development

There is no better place to build and grow a business in the Eastern United States than West Virginia. The West Virginia Department of Economic Development’s mission is to improve the quality of life for all West Virginians by strengthening our communities and expanding the state’s economy to create more and better jobs.


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Behr Paint Company Hosts First Student Design Competition




Design students encouraged to enter for a chance to win $3,000, plus $1,000 for their design school

SANTA ANA, Calif., Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Behr Paint Company announces its first-ever BEHR® Student Design Competition in partnership with MattoBoard, a 3D virtual sampling platform for designers. The competition is open starting today, September 19, through November 10, 2024, for full-time or part-time emerging professional design students.* 

Behr Paint invites design students to submit an original design plan for any commercial space such as hospitality, workplace, healthcare, multifamily and more. The design theme, “No Clear Boundaries,” draws inspiration from the BEHR 2025 Commercial Color Forecast, which celebrates the fluidity between designed environments that reflect the intersection of the past and future, digital and physical, and timeless and modern. Entrants must incorporate colors from the BEHR 2025 Commercial Color Forecast in their design along with BEHR’s 2025 Color of the Year, Rumors, a deep and timeless shade of ruby red. 

The competition was created to champion emerging designers by providing specialized resources and opportunities to showcase and celebrate their talents. “As a judge of the BEHR Student Design Competition, I am excited to see how each student embraces color and design,” said Erika Woelfel, Vice President of Color & Creative Services at Behr Paint Company. “At Behr, we are committed to supporting the careers of the next generation of designers, and I look forward to seeing the students’ creativity shine through.”  

The judging panel will also include Guy Adam Ailion, Architect and CEO / Co-Founder of MattoBoard; Kayla Kratz, Director of Color & Designer Segment at Behr Paint Company; and Amber Jones, Director of Architect & Designer Strategic Initiatives at Behr Paint Company.

The winner of the 2024 BEHR Student Design Competition will be awarded a $3,000 cash prize and $1,000 for their design school. The runner-up will receive a $1,500 cash prize, and the second runner-up will receive a $500 cash prize. All winners will also receive a 1-year MattoBoard Pro Subscription to continue using the platform for their design needs. Winners will be announced in December 2024 and will be featured on BEHR’s and MattoBoard’s social channels, blog, and email.

To learn more about the 2024 BEHR Student Design Competition and how to enter, visit

INTERNET AND MATTOBOARD ACCOUNT REQUIRED. Trade contest offered in the 50 U.S. & U.S. Territories (“U.S.”) to full/part-time emerging Design students at U.S. eligible Institution (see Rules) who are legal U.S. res., 18+. Ends 11:59 P.M. PT 11/10/24. See Official Rules at: for entry, judging criteria and limitations. Void where prohibited. Sponsor: Behr Process LLC.

About Behr Paint Company
Founded in 1947, Behr Paint Company is one of the largest manufacturers of paints, primers, decorative finishes, stains, surface preparation and application products for do-it-yourselfers and professionals in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Santa Ana, Calif.-based company, and maker of BEHR®, KILZ® and WHIZZ® brands, are dedicated to meeting the project needs of DIYers, designers and professional paint contractors with an unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and value. For more information, visit Professional paint contractors and designers can visit to learn about products, color tools and services. Behr Paint Company is a subsidiary of Masco Corporation (NYSE: MAS).

Behr and the Behr logo are registered trademarks of Behr Process LLC.

About MattoBoard
MattoBoard is the first virtual sample library (VSamples©) and 3D moodboarding tool for interior designers. Designers can search, discover, curate and specify interior materials and products in real-time using light and shadow to examine texture and detail. Designers can download and share beautiful, photo-realistic boards and material spec sheets. MattoBoard’s mission is to bring a ‘touch and feel’ industry into the future by pioneering virtual sampling for designers and brands.

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