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NetDragon Announces 2024 Interim Financial Results



EBITDA up 13% as stage is set for next growth phase 

HONG KONG, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited (“NetDragon” or the “Company”; Hong Kong Stock Code: 777), a global leader in building internet communities, today announced its financial results for the first half of 2024. NetDragon’s management team will hold a results presentation and webcast at 10:00am Hong Kong time on 30 August 2024 to discuss the results and recent business development.

Dr. Dejian Liu, Chairman of NetDragon, commented: “In the first half of the year, we delivered results that demonstrate both our resilience in the face of short-term challenges and our focus in building products to strengthen our competitive position and drive long-term growth. Our domestic PC gaming business delivered revenue of RMB1.36 billion, an increase of 2.1% YoY driven by our focus in driving engagement and retention of players. We believe as players’ spending habits are clearly trending towards games with high quality contents and highly acclaimed IP, our iconic and non-replicable flagship IPs, together with our business model of building high quality games around these IPs, put us in a great position to differentiate and drive sustainable growth. With that being said, our overall gaming revenue in the first half was affected by our overseas revenue which declined by 12.9% YoY due to short-term temporary issues, and we are confident to emerge in the second half with a stronger performance. Our confidence stems from the fact that the execution of our growth strategy remains on track with many positive news to share. Our new game Code-Alpha is expected to be launched in the second half and will be expanding into several countries. We also received encouraging metrics from our testing of Under Oath Overseas Version which puts us on track to launch this new ACGN game in the Japanese market within the next 6 to 9 months. In addition, we have received very positive players’ feedback for our new roguelike top-down shooter game Nebula Rangers that featured a second place on the TapTap platform’s ranking of new games, coupled with a user score of 8.0. We expect this game to launch globally in 2025 and has the potential to become a new major title with high DAU.”

“Turning to our education business, our overseas education subsidiary,, continued to go through a stage of industry transformation that presents both challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, we continued to see softening hardware shipment as education authorities are still reacting to a broad normalization of budgets post-Covid, and from a macro standpoint, inflation also played a role in affecting budget allocation decisions of schools. On the other hand, we believe the market is in a very early stage of transitioning from a hardware-centric model to an integrated software and service-based model, which presents a transformational opportunity, especially for as the incumbent market leader in our addressable markets with an installed base of over 1 million classrooms.” 

“In recent months, NetDragon has also made remarkable progress in our country-level initiatives in Thailand and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In particular, we have announced a strategic initiative to develop aom-ai, a state-of-the-art AI education platform, with the support by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation in Thailand. This learning platform, which combines our cutting-edge education technologies with deep local insights of learners in the local market, is set for launch later this year. In Saudi Arabia, we are also working closely with the Ministry of Education on several exciting education technology initiatives in markets including K12 learning as well as technical and vocational training segments.”

2024 First Half Financial Highlights

Revenue was RMB3.30 billion, representing a 10.3% decrease YoY.Revenue from the gaming and application services was RMB2.12 billion, representing 64.3% of the Company’s total revenue and a 0.8% decrease YoY.Revenue from was RMB1.18 billion, representing 35.7% of the Company’s total revenue and a 23.5% decrease YoY.Gross profit was RMB2.20 billion, representing a 3.8% decrease YoY.Core segmental profit[1] from the gaming and application services was RMB688 million, representing an 11.5% decrease YoY.Core segmental loss1 from was RMB111 million, compared to a loss of RMB48 million in the first half of last year.Operating profit was RMB634 million, representing a 9.3% decrease YoY.Non-GAAP operating profit[2] was RMB640 million, representing a 7.5% decrease YoY.EBITDA was RMB1.04 billion, representing a 12.9% increase YoY.Non-GAAP EBITDA2 was RMB1.15 billion, representing a 33.1% increase YoY.Profit attributable to owners of the Company was RMB400 million, representing a 20.0% decrease YoY.Non-GAAP profit attributable to owners of the Company2 was RMB558 million, representing a 5.3% decrease YoY.The Company declared an interim dividend of HKD0.40 per ordinary share for the six months ended 30 June 2024.

1 Core segmental profit (loss) figures are derived from the Group’s reported segmental profit (loss) figures (presented in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standard (“HKFRS”) 8), but exclude non-core/ operating, non-recurring or unallocated items including government grants, impairment loss (net of reversal), fair value change and exchange gain on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”), fair value change and exchange loss on derivative financial instruments, interest expense and exchange loss on convertible and exchangeable bonds and convertible note, redundancy payments, legal and professional fees for spin-off and reversal of impairment loss of intangible assets.

2 To supplement the consolidated results of the Group prepared in accordance with HKFRSs, the use of non-GAAP measures is provided solely to enhance the overall understanding of the Group’s current financial performance. The non-GAAP measures are not expressly permitted measures under HKFRSs and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures for other companies. The non-GAAP measures of the Group exclude share-based payments expense, amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisitions of subsidiaries, write-down of inventories, fair value change on investment properties, fair value change on financial assets at FVTPL, fair value change on derivative financial instruments, finance costs, deferred tax, reversal of impairment loss of intangible assets, gain on disposal of intangible assets and exchange gain on pledged bank deposits, financial assets at FVTPL, convertible and exchangeable bonds and derivative financial instruments.

Segmental Financial Highlights

2024 First Half

2023 First Half


(RMB million)











-0.8 %

-23.5 %

Gross profit





-2.5 %

-10.5 %

Gross margin

87.2 %

29.7 %

88.6 %

25.4 %

-1.4 ppts

+4.3 ppts

Core segmental profit





-11.5 %

+131.3 %

Segmental operating

–       Research and





+9.8 %

+2.0 %

–       Selling and marketing





-12.5 %

-25.7 %

–       Administrative





-10.2 %

+37.9 %

3 Segmental operating expenses exclude unallocated expenses/income such as directors’ fee and salaries, amortisation and exchange difference that have been grouped into SG&A categories on the Company’s reported consolidated financial statements, but cannot be allocated to specific business segments for purpose of calculating the segmental profit (loss) figures in accordance with HKFRS 8.

Gaming Business

Our gaming revenue, which represents 87.8% of gaming and application services revenue, reached RMB1.86 billion in the first half, representing a 1.3% increase HoH and a 3.0% decrease YoY. Our focus in the first half was two-fold. On the one hand, we focused on deepening engagement of users through our ever-increasing quality of gaming experience for our existing games, hence leading to strong retention of users that pave the way for long-term sustainability of our existing games. On the other hand, we made remarkable progress in the development and testing of our new games in the pipeline, and we are pleased to have seen some promising metrics and feedback that put us in a strong position to grow our revenue in the next 6 to 12 months.

During the first half, domestic PC game revenue was RMB1.36 billion, marking a YoY increase of 2.1% and a HoH increase of 5.3%. Our three major IPs, Eudemons, Conquer and Heroes Evolved, all recorded both YoY and HoH growth for their respective domestic PC gaming revenues. The stable growth of our existing games is a result of our focus in expanding our gaming contents towards an optimal combination of content-driven and numerical attributes-driven spending that leads to higher quality of gaming experience over time.

Our top flagship IP Eudemons generated a total revenue of RMB1.69 billion during the period, representing a 0.6% HoH increase and a 3.8% YoY decrease. The performance of Eudemons IP in the first half was affected largely by two factors, namely (1) stable HoH performance of our existing Eudemons games during the period while we put our focus in working towards the launch of our next new Eudemons game, Eudemons Remake Version, which is scheduled to launch in Q1 of next year, and (2) short-term disruptive bot issues experienced in the overseas version of Eudemons Online, where measures have already been put in place to put the game back on growth track.

We continued to focus on enhancing quality of experience for our players leading to YoY growth of both gameplay-driven and content-driven revenue of our flagship game Eudemons Online in the domestic market during the first half. In particular, our measures include enhancing the depth and richness of different character roles, optimizing our graphics and in-game music, and integrating “Guofeng” and cultural elements to resonate with the interests and passion of many of our players.

Going forward, we expect to implement a multi-pronged growth strategy for the Eudemons IP, including achieving stable growth for our existing games, launching the Eudemons Remake Version and Eudemons Pocket Version 2.0 (in early 2025 and 2026 respectively) to target the huge existing pool of Eudemons IP players with a market-proven revenue model, as well as developing a new Eudemons PC game to be launched in the second half of 2025 to target both brand new players and existing player pool. We believe this strategy will bring the revenue scale of the Eudemons IP to a new level, and will drive revenue growth for many years to come. 

Our Heroes Evolved IP continued to make positive progress in the first half, both from a revenue growth standpoint and a long-term strategic development standpoint. In particular, our Heroes Evolved PC game continued its momentum and delivered three consecutive reporting periods of revenue growth with a 29.6% increase in revenue YoY in the first half, driven by significant enhancements in overall gameplay and success in utilizing e-sports events to “activate” our players, leading to increase in players’ retention, APA and ARPU during the period. We also saw a 28% increase in the number of e-sports teams participating in our summer season competition, as well as a 71% increase in the audience number compared to the same competition in the autumn season last year. In terms of expanding our mobile revenue for Heroes Evolved, we are in testing stage for our new mobile game Code-Nirvana and target to launch the game in 2025.

Our Conquer IP delivered strong result in the domestic market with a 6.6% YoY increase in revenue, driven by two major content updates and the introduction of new innovative gameplays. In Egypt, our largest overseas market for Conquer Online, user spending dropped slightly by 1.3% YoY (on basis of local currency) mainly due to short-term restriction in electricity consumption (such restriction has subsequently been suspended in July, and it is expected that the electricity shortage will be resolved by the end of this year4). Despite the short-term revenue decline, we continued to gain traction with monetization, as our APA grew by 16.7% YoY. We are also making notable progress in expanding the casual gameplay within the game, with casual players increasing by 12.7%, laying the foundation for a larger revenue base going forward.

We also made great strides in executing our long-term strategy of expanding our IP and genre. Our new roguelike top-down shooter game under development Nebula Rangers started testing on TapTap in July and received a user score of 8.0. The game is expected to launch globally in 2025 and has the potential to become a new high DAU title. Furthermore, our new casual game Code-Alpha started testing in the overseas markets in June with positive results, and we expect meaningful revenue contribution from this game for the rest of the year with the potential to open up a new track for a casual entertainment genre. We are also making inroad in the ACGN genre as we received positive testing metrics in the overseas market for Under Oath after several rounds of game refinement in the past 12 months, and we currently believe there is strong visibility to launch the game in the first half of 2025. Last but not least, we are in the testing stage for our other new games including Miracland Saga, a new MMORPG to focus on the overseas market, and Huan Kong Cheng Zhan Ge to target the idle card game segment. 

Looking forward in terms of our new game pipeline as a whole, we expect to drive growth of our overall revenue and profitability by delivering on our new game launches in the number of 4-5 new titles in the coming 6-9 months spanning across both our existing flagship IPs and new IPs. 

4 According to news article: Egypt to stop load-shedding power cuts on Sunday: PM Madbouly, Ahram Online, 17 July 2024

Our overseas education subsidiary,, has experienced a continued industry-wide softening demand trend throughout most of its key geographic markets. After several years of high funding as a result of COVID-related government relief programs, local education authorities are still reacting to a broad normalization of budgets which affected hardware revenue for all players in the interactive flat panel market during the period. In addition, inflation has also led to higher recurring overhead costs for schools that affected budget allocation decisions for many of our customers.

The key financial milestones for in the first half of the year are as follows:

Revenue of RMB1.18 billion compared to RMB1.54 billion in the first half of the prior year, with the decrease primarily driven by reduced spending by key customers due to the softer industry demandGross margins increased 430 basis points to 29.7% primarily due to increased operational efficiencies leading to cost savings in a number of areas, including lower component material pricing, freight and other savings as a result of moving part of the manufacturing process to Mexico, as well as lower warranty costs due to observed lower failure rates on our ActivPanel 9 and our ActivPanel LX modelsCash flow from operations improvement of RMB34 million compared to the same period in the prior year[5]Cash position of RMB494 million with available existing credit lineAdjusted EBITDA loss of RMB40 million, a slight 7.5% YoY improvement (despite the decline in revenue) primarily driven by optimization of overhead costs5Net loss of RMB340 million compared to a loss of RMB109 million in the same period in the prior year, primarily due to the recording of a one-time non-cash valuation allowance against deferred tax assets in the amount of RMB294 million5 (excluding this one-time effect, net loss narrowed by 58.0% YoY)Management continuing to implement cost saving measures to mitigate effects of headwinds in the hardware market

5 From Form 6-K filing of, in accordance with U.S. GAAP

Despite the near-term challenges, we are confident in our business model and are well positioned to prioritize and streamline our operations and navigate the market challenges, as evidenced by our margin improvement. As we continue to pursue cost optimization initiatives and evaluate our capital allocation strategy, we believe we are competitively well positioned to continue as the market leader in this space.

On a broader scale, we are facing an unprecedented opportunity as we believe the global classroom education technology market is still in a very early stage of evolving from a hardware-centric model to an integrated software and service based model. We believe’s position as the incumbent market leader in our addressable markets, our installed base of over 1 million classrooms, a well-established network of distribution channels and a head-start advantage in launching its first SAAS offering in Explain Everything Advanced earlier this year are competitive moats that put us in a unique position at this market juncture. In view of the opportunity ahead of us, we are dedicated to delivering hardware and software solutions with groundbreaking tools and new technologies for the education, business, and public sectors in line with our long-term strategic vision.

We expect our subsidiary to host a capital markets day in the near future to detail our strategic plan to our shareholders and the investor community.

Management Presentation and Webcast

NetDragon’s management team will hold a results presentation and webcast at 10:00am Hong Kong time on 30 August 2024 to discuss the results and recent business developments.

Details of the presentation are as follows:


10:00 AM, Hong Kong Time on 30 August 2024, Friday /

10:00 PM, Eastern Time on 29 August 2024, Thursday


Physical Presentation at The Executive Centre, Hong Kong

OR Online Webcast


Level 2, No. 28 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong


The live and archived webcast of the conference call will be available on the Investor Relations section of NetDragon’s website at Participants in the live webcast should visit the aforementioned website 10 minutes prior to the call, then click on the icon for “2024 Interim Results Presentation and Webcast” and follow the registration instructions.

About NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited

NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited (HKSE: 0777) is a global leader in building internet communities with a long track record of developing and scaling multiple internet and mobile platforms that impact hundreds of millions of users, including previous establishments of China’s first online gaming portal,, and China’s most influential smartphone app store platform, 91 Wireless.   

Established in 1999, NetDragon is one of the most reputable and well-known online game developers in China with a history of successful game titles including Eudemons Online, Heroes Evolved, Conquer Online and Under Oath. In the past 10 years, NetDragon has also achieved success with its online education business both domestically and globally, and its overseas education business entity, currently a U.S.-listed subsidiary named, is a global leader in interactive technology and its award-winning interactive displays and software can be found in more than 1 million learning and training spaces across 126 countries.

For investor enquiries, please contact:
NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited
Ms. Maggie Zhou
Senior Director of Investor Relations
Email: /





Six months ended 30 June





RMB million

RMB million




Cost of revenue



Gross profit



Other income and gains



Selling and marketing expenses



Administrative expenses



Research and development costs



Other expenses and losses



Operating profit



Exchange gain (loss) on pledged bank deposits,
    financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,
    convertible and exchangeable bonds and derivative
    financial instruments



Fair value change on financial assets at fair value
    through profit or loss



Fair value change on derivative financial instruments



Finance costs



Profit before taxation






Profit for the period



Other comprehensive income (expense) for the period,
    net of income tax:

Item that may be reclassified subsequently to profit
    or loss:

Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign



Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:

Fair value change on equity instruments at fair value
    through other comprehensive income



Other comprehensive (expense) income for the period



Total comprehensive income for the period



Profit (loss) for the period attributable to:

– Owners of the Company



– Non-controlling interests





Total comprehensive income (expense) for the period
    attributable to:

– Owners of the Company



– Non-controlling interests





RMB cents

RMB cents

Earnings per share

– Basic



– Diluted





AS AT 30 JUNE 2024

30 June 2024

31 December 2023


(Audited and

RMB million

RMB million

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment



Right-of-use assets



Investment properties






Intangible assets



Interests in associates and joint ventures



Equity instruments at fair value through other
    comprehensive income



Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss



Loan receivables



Other receivables, prepayments and deposits



Deferred tax assets





Current assets

Properties under development



Properties for sale






Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss



Loan receivables



Trade receivables



Other receivables, prepayments and deposits



Tax recoverable



Pledged bank deposits



Bank deposits with original maturity over three months



Cash and cash equivalents





Current liabilities

Trade and other payables



Contract liabilities



Lease liabilities






Derivative financial instruments



Bank borrowings



Convertible and exchangeable bonds



Convertible note



Tax payable





Net current assets



Total assets less current liabilities



Non-current liabilities

Other payables



Lease liabilities



Bank borrowings


Deferred tax liabilities





Net assets



Capital and reserves

Share capital



Share premium and reserves



Equity attributable to owners of the Company



Non-controlling interests







Six months ended 30 June





RMB million

RMB million

Operating profit



Gain on disposal of intangible assets


Amortisation of intangible assets arising on
    acquisitions of subsidiaries



Fair value change in investment properties


Share-based payments expense



Reversal of impairment loss of intangible assets


Write-down of inventories


Non-GAAP operating profit



Profit attributable to owners of the Company



Fair value change on financial assets at fair value
    through profit or loss



Fair value change on derivative financial instruments



Gain on disposal of intangible assets


Exchange (gain) loss on pledged bank deposits,
    financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,
    convertible and exchangeable bonds and derivative
    financial instruments



Deferred tax


Finance costs



Amortisation of intangible assets arising on
    acquisitions of subsidiaries



Fair value change in investment properties


Share-based payments expense



Reversal of impairment loss of intangible assets


Write-down of inventories


Non-GAAP profit attributable to owners of the




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SOURCE NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited

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Augmented Reality Navigation Market worth $6.33 billion by 2029 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™




DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The augmented reality (AR) navigation market is expected to reach USD 6.33 billion by 2029 from USD 1.17 billion in 2024, at a CAGR of 40.3% during the 2024-2029 period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. Multiple companies like Volkswagen (Germany), Mercedes-Benz Group AG and many others are investing is augmented reality (AR) navigation which is increasing the opportunity for growth in the AR navigation market. The AR navigation market is continuously developing, with the presence of multiple players. Currently, the North America region is contributing significantly to the growth of the AR navigation market. Similarly, Asia Pacific, Europe and RoW regions are expected to be the growing market for the forecasted period.

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Augmented Reality Navigation Market Report Scope:

Report Coverage


Market Revenue in 2024

$ 1.17 billion

Estimated Value by 2029

$ 6.33 billion

Growth Rate

Poised to grow at a CAGR of 40.3%

Market Size Available for


Forecast Period


Forecast Units

Value (USD Million/Billion)

Report Coverage

Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends

Segments Covered

By offering, type, application, end-user industry, and region

Geographies Covered

North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World

Key Market Challenge

Limited user acceptance and familiarity with AR navigation

Key Market Opportunities

Integration of 5G technology with AR navigation

Key Market Drivers

Integration of AR in automotive systems drives AR navigation market

AR navigation software to have the highest market share in offering segment of augmented reality (AR) navigation market in the forecast period from 2024 to 2029.

AR navigation software dominates the AR navigation market as it plays a vital role in providing a complete and interactive navigation experience. This category includes different types of software, such as AR mapping and localization software, which are essential for accurate positioning and spatial awareness. AR navigation apps use AR technology to give real-time directions and visual guidance, making navigation more user-friendly and engaging. Moreover, AR SDKs (software development kits) allow developers to create custom AR solutions, promoting innovation and growth in the market. AR Cloud solutions provide persistent and shared spatial data, which enhances the accuracy and usefulness of navigation services. Other software solutions, like AR HUD software and AR data visualization software, also support the industry by enhancing navigation capabilities.

Indoor navigation sub-segment of type segment in augmented reality (AR) navigation market is expected to grow at the highest growth rate during the forecast period.

Indoor navigation involves the use of technology and systems to help people find their way inside buildings like shopping centers, airports, corporate offices, educational institutes, museums, hospitals, and others. Augmented reality navigation technology use sensors, maps, and location-finding tools to give accurate directions and information inside buildings where regular GPS are unavailable.

As indoor spaces become more complex it is rising the demand for easy-to-use AR navigation. Businesses are investing in AR navigation systems to improve customer satisfaction, make operations smoother, and make it easier for people to get around in big, complex buildings. Also, the growing use of smartphones and augmented reality is helping to create more advanced indoor AR navigation systems that provide real-time, interactive guidance and useful information.

As companies realize the importance of offering smooth and easy-to-use navigation experiences for their customers and staff, the demand for indoor navigation technology rises rapidly.

Inquiry Before Buying:

Augmented reality navigation market in North America has the largest market share in 2023.

Augmented reality navigation industry in North America is sub-segmented into the US, Canada and Mexico. The North America market is undergoing significant growth due to advancement in augmented reality technology, widespread use of HUD and HMD and rising demand of advanced navigation system that provide real-time directions, visual indicators, and interactive features with enhanced wayfinding experience for both outdoor and indoor environment. North America has strong presence of key players and startup companies within the region that promotes new innovation and technological development. US based companies such as Google LLC, Microsoft, Apple Inc. are continuously involved in developing and upgrading the existing technology.

Key Players

The key players in AR navigation companies are Google LLC (US), Apple Inc. (US), Microsoft (US), Neusoft Corporation (China), WayRay AG (Switzerland), FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.  (Japan), ARway Corp. (Canada), Wiser Marine Technologies Ltd. (Canada), Mapbox (US), Treedis (Israel), ViewAR GmbH (Austria), Artisense GmbH (Kudan Germany GmbH.) (Germany), IndoorAtlas (Finland), Hyper (London), SITUM TECHNOLOGIES (Spain), Insider Navigation Inc (Austria), Wemap SAS (France), Resonai Inc. (Israel), Oriient New Media Ltd (Israel), Navigine (US), 22Miles (US), Sygic (Bratislava), Veo (Poland), HERE (Netherlands), and Esri (US).

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HandicapMD Expands Leading Telemedicine Services for Disabled Parking Permits in Florida




HandicapMD’s virtual telemedicine platform connects patients with licensed doctors to obtain disabled parking placards quickly, safely, and affordably.

MIAMI, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — HandicapMD, the nation’s leading telemedicine platform for disabled parking permits, has launched its services for residents across Florida, marking another milestone in its nationwide expansion. HandicapMD has already helped thousands of patients navigate the complex process of obtaining disabled parking placards through secure online disabled permit evaluations by licensed physicians.

HandicapMD, Floridians can now complete the evaluation process for a how to get a disabled parking permit in Florida from the convenience of their homes, with services starting at just $159.

“Many patients face barriers when trying to get their disabled parking placards, whether due to mobility issues, long wait times, or the paperwork involved,” says Dr. Eric Jackson-Scott, CEO and Founder of HandicapMD. “Our goal is to streamline this process for Florida residents by offering telemedicine consults with licensed doctors.”

Through HandicapMD’s telemedicine platform, patients in Florida can receive the following benefits of a disabled parking placard:

Access to designated disabled parking spaces near entrancesExtended time limits in restricted zonesExemption from parking meter feesAbility to park in residential permit zones

HandicapMD’s service is available from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week, with no appointment needed. If a patient does not qualify for a disabled parking permit, they won’t be charged for the evaluation.

“Our expansion into Florida is driven by the need to provide an easier, more accessible solution for individuals with disabilities,” says Dr. Jackson. “We’re excited to bring our telemedicine platform to Florida, helping residents gain the mobility they deserve without unnecessary delays or inconvenience.”

About HandicapMD: HandicapMD is the nation’s leading telemedicine platform for disabled parking permits, offering services in states across the U.S. The platform connects patients with fully licensed doctors for hassle-free online evaluations, helping them secure disabled parking placards from the comfort of their homes. HandicapMD is committed to improving accessibility for individuals with disabilities and providing exceptional care through its innovative telehealth platform.

For more information, visit handicap placard Florida online.

Ena D.
(833) DMV-3825


Press release distributed by PRLog

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Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market to cross $10 Billion TAM with around 500K AMRs shipment by 2030 – LogisticsIQ




NEW DELHI, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) market is poised for significant growth, driven by increasing demand for automation across various sectors, including logistics, manufacturing, and healthcare. According to the latest market research by LogisticsIQ (5th Edition), Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market to cross $10 Billion TAM by 2030 with a CAGR of ~30% between 2024 and 2030. We expect the installed base of AMRs to reach 2 million units in 2030.

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Key Market Drivers

Increased Efficiency: Businesses are rapidly adopting AMRs to enhance operational efficiency, reduce labour costs, and streamline workflows.Labor Shortages: The ongoing labour shortages in various industries have accelerated the need for automated solutions, making AMRs a crucial investment for companies.Technological Advancements: Innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and sensor technology are making AMRs more capable and reliable.Growing E-Commerce: The rise of e-commerce has created a demand for efficient warehouse management solutions, further boosting the AMR market.

Regional Insights

North America leads the AMR market, accounting for the largest share due to the early adoption of automation technologies. Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region, especially China is expected to witness the fastest growth, fuelled by rapid industrialization and increasing investments in smart factories. US and China are going to contribute ~40% of this market by 2030.

Industry Applications

Autonomous mobile robots are being utilized in various applications, including:

Warehouse Automation: AMRs enhance inventory management and order fulfillment processes. This industry is expected to lead with more than 75% share by 2030.Manufacturing: Robots facilitate material handling and assembly line operations. Traditionally, it has been dominated by AGVs but are getting replaced by AMRs due to more flexibility and scalability features.Healthcare: AMRs assist in transporting medical supplies, improving patient care and operational efficiency. It is a niche market but high growing area to focus further.

Purchase the full report on the Autonomous Mobile Robots Market – Growth, Trends, and Forecast

Top Factors & Challenges in the Autonomous Mobile Robots Market

Top Factors Driving Growth

Increased Demand for Automation: Businesses across industries are increasingly seeking automation to enhance efficiency and reduce operational costs.Technological Advancements: Innovations in AI, machine learning, and sensor technologies improve the capabilities and reliability of AMRs, making them more attractive to businesses.Labor Shortages: Ongoing labour shortages, especially in sectors like logistics and manufacturing, are pushing companies to adopt AMRs to maintain productivity.Growth of E-Commerce: The surge in online shopping requires efficient warehouse and logistics solutions, driving the adoption of AMRs for inventory management and order fulfillment.Improved Safety Standards: AMRs can reduce workplace accidents by taking over hazardous tasks, leading to safer working environments.Customization and Scalability: Many AMR solutions offer customizable features that allow businesses to scale operations according to their specific needs.

Top Challenges

High Initial Costs: The upfront investment for AMRs can be substantial, which may deter smaller businesses from adoption.Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating AMRs into current operational workflows and legacy systems can be complex and resource-intensive.Regulatory Compliance: Navigating regulatory requirements and safety standards can pose challenges, especially in highly regulated industries.Limited Awareness and Understanding: Some businesses may lack knowledge about AMR technology and its potential benefits, hindering adoption.Technical Limitations: While technology is advancing, AMRs may still struggle with navigating complex environments or handling unexpected obstacles.Cybersecurity Concerns: As AMRs become more connected, they may be vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, requiring robust security measures.

Know more about Autonomous Mobile Robots Market – Top Players, Cost Analysis, Competition, and Customer Expectation

What will you get in this report?

500 Pages and 160+ Exhibits Market ReportRevenue and Shipment data segmented:By form factor (Deck-load, Tugger/Pull, Forklift)By Navigation (Tape/Wire/Magnet, Reflector, QR Codes, LiDAR, Camera, Sensor, Fusion)By Function (Goods to person (G2P), Person to Goods (P2G), Conveying, Piece picking, Towing, Pallet Handling)By Application (Manufacturing, Logistics and Warehousing, Shipping, Delivery, Cleaning, Security, Hospital, Retail)Detailed excel file with 150+ market tables (Revenue and Shipment) including forecast till 2030A bottom-up analysis of Autonomous Mobile Robots Market for 19 countries (United States, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Nordics, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Phillippines) in 5 regionsIn-depth analysis of 700 companies in the ecosystem with more than 160 company profiles.Focus Group Discussion with 100+ key industry stakeholders across the value chain to collect the first-hand information to validate our analysis. Stakeholders include components and technology providers, system integrators, robot manufacturers (OEM/ODM), robotic software & service providers, and end-user industry verticals. Apart this, study also focuses on different components and integral parts of Autonomous Mobile Robots like Motion Control, Batteries & Chargers, Cameras / Vision Sensor, LiDAR, Sensor Fusion, QR Code and Wireless Communication.2 Analyst Sessions to brainstorm furtherInvestment details excel file with 175+ M&A and ~1000 funding dealsLogisticsIQ™ Exclusive Market Map (700+ Players across more than 15 categories)

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