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Lin-gang a hothouse for incubating success, pioneering tech



SHANGHAI, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A news report from   

Special area in Shanghai taking innovative approaches to develop industries, attract talent

In late June, China’s first independent car design company IAT Auto signed an investment framework agreement with Lin-gang Special Area to conduct its automotive research and development, manufacturing and export operations.

Xuan Qiwu, chairman of IAT Auto, which has worked with over 80 industry leaders including Honda, SAIC Motor and Li Auto for the past 17 years, said there were major reasons the company was setting up in the special area section of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Apart from an extensive transportation network linking Lin-gang to the rest of the country and the world, various opening-up policies introduced to improve global competitiveness were good incentives for the company to expand its footprint there, he said.

IAT’s new facility will be located in Lin-gang’s Yangshan Free Trade Zone.

The bonded zone has already attracted a large number of well-established overseas carmakers such as BMW and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles to build design hubs, and international centralized procurement and distribution centers for auto parts. Establishing itself in the zone is expected to accelerate IAT’s internationalization, as Chinese automotive companies become more outward looking, Xuan said.

Apart from overseas companies, Lin-gang is also home to a large number of domestic companies in the auto industry chain. The possibility of working with more companies is another major reason IAT was attracted to the area, Xuan said.

In 2023, more than 1.1 million intelligent connected cars were churned out in Lin-gang, with the industry’s annual output exceeding 300 billion yuan ($41.9 billion), which is 10 times the size in 2019.

Big players, big benefits

US electric vehicle maker Tesla can take a big part of the credit for progress made by the industry in Lin-gang. By launching a gigafactory in Lin-gang in 2018, Tesla helped build a full industry chain for intelligent connected car manufacturing in the special area.

More than 180 companies have been providing auto parts or services to Tesla’s gigafactory. Of those, 105 are based in 24 cities in the wider Yangtze River Delta region. Tesla’s 40 gigawatt-hour energy storage project, also located in Lin-gang, is scheduled to be operational by the end of this year.

With a whopping 50 billion yuan in investment, Tesla’s gigafactory is the largest foreign-invested manufacturing project in Shanghai.

More significantly, the massive project involved large and complicated construction work, which in the past usually resulted in a lengthy process to complete administrative approval.

However, Lin-gang allowed Tesla to start construction first and submit the documents later, as long as all the approval procedures were ultimately met. This allowed Tesla to start construction of the facility, put it into use as soon as possible, and churn out the inaugural vehicle in the first year of the factory’s operation.

Wu Xiaohua, deputy-secretary of the Party working committee of the Lin-gang Special Area, said the seemingly miraculous speed at which Tesla achieved this feat reflected Lin-gang’s dedication to improving the business environment. This also gave the market a glimpse of China’s resolve, and the actions taken to expand the country’s opening-up.

Tesla’s vice-president Tao Lin said the multiple institutional innovations introduced in Lin-gang were another major reason Tesla’s operations were galloping ahead there.

“The institutional advantages not only help companies land new projects rapidly, but provide nonstop vitality for the companies’ operations, which is as important,” she said.

Over the past five years, Lin-gang has realized 138 institutional innovative cases covering free trade, investment, cross-border finance and high-end shipping. Just as importantly, 70 of these cases were the first of their kind in China.

Boeing Shanghai Aviation Services’ modification and maintenance businesses in Lin-gang is one of the latest, and best, examples of institutional innovation.

On June 20, the project set a record for Shanghai by completing the process of signing land contracts, gaining construction permits and starting operations within five hours.

To make that possible, Boeing Shanghai took advantage of 13 policies relating to engineering construction projects from Lin-gang’s latest review and reform measures.

The presence of the industry giant will help Lin-gang expand the civil aviation industry, one of four frontier industries targeted in its development along with integrated circuits, artificial intelligence and biomedicine.

Path of exploration

As a special economic zone, Lin-gang should undertake more experiments in institutional arrangements, improve weak links and explore new development paths, municipal government officials said at an executive meeting in late July.

It should also take on more special functions and further improve institutional mechanisms to attain these goals, they added.

Chen Jinshan, director of the Lin-gang Special Area Administration, said the zone will seek more institutional innovations by aligning itself with high-standard international economic and trade rules. Chen cited as examples the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement.

Lin-gang will also conduct more “stress tests” — experiments to test how far the reform can go by including possible challenges and difficulties — on cross-border data, cross-border finance, value-added telecommunications and high-level shipping, he said.

One stress test has already been conducted this year on cross-border data flow in the connected cars, mutual funds and biomedicine sectors, and released in May.

Companies registered in Lin-gang, or other areas of the Shanghai FTZ, can apply for general data cross-border flow services in 11 scenarios specified on a list. However, the data transfer activities must be conducted within Lin-gang.

US carmaker Ford has benefited from the new list, which is the first of its kind in China. Wu Ji, head of information security and data compliance at Ford China, said if one of its cars sold in China needs maintenance, the company needs to transfer the vehicles’ information back to its global headquarters to get technical support.

The new list classifies global aftersales services under the cross-border data flow scenario. This means Ford can now provide these services more conveniently, Wu said.

Shen Yi, a professor of international politics at Fudan University, said the list was “down-to-earth and elastic”, and stressed its importance to stimulating economic growth. “Cross-border data flows are now a prerequisite for industry development,” he said.

“But the compliance cost for such activities cannot be overwhelming for companies. The new list, which is quite exceptional from a global perspective, has provided a list, with limits, that will meet economic development needs because it is based on real business scenarios,” he said.

It is also important that Lin-gang was chosen as the location for such an experiment, Shen said.

“Risks cannot be completely avoided while seeking economic development,” he said. “The solution is not to eliminate risks, which is impossible, but to strike a balance between development and security, and control risks within a tolerable range.”

When it comes to cross-border data flow, no institution, regulatory body or company can come up with a ready-made solution. Also, technologies and application scenarios evolve and upgrade rapidly, Shen added.

The list rolled out in Lin-gang is a realistic solution, he said. “It is through experiments, and maybe mistakes, that progress can be made,” Shen said.

A second list covering insurance and shipping will be released in August, said Chen from the Lin-gang Special Area Administration.

Population growth

The expansion of industries and new businesses, coupled with economic dynamism, has propelled Lin-gang’s population from 440,000 in 2019 — when it was upgraded to become part of the Shanghai FTZ — to over 600,000 today.

The government’s efforts to attract fresh talent to the area have also played a big role.

Over the past five years, Lin-gang has issued 1,110 work permits for expatriates and approved permanent residency for another 79 foreigners. Overseas returnees have set up 270 companies in the special area.

From July 12, Lin-gang took the initiative of issuing China’s first e-visas. With the entire application process completed online, a digital visa can be issued within three days.

An e-visa is valid for a single entry, with an entry validity of 15 days and a period of stay not exceeding 30 days.

Yang Wu, deputy director of the human resources department of Lin-gang Special Area Administration, said such measures can help overseas professionals set up businesses and conduct trade.

Ye Wei, head of the port visa office at the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Public Security Bureau, said they had worked with the Lin-gang administration to keep records for 1,300 companies to help with their future needs. Similar initiatives are expected to eventually be implemented outside Lin-gang, he added.

Over the past five years, Lin-gang has attracted more than 97,000 professionals. Over 27,000 new talents have settled in Lin-gang in the first seven months of this year, a 41 percent year-on-year increase.

A total of 1,132 companies have registered for the online job market launched by Lin-gang administration in early 2023, which has detailed over 8,000 job opportunities and received 146,200 resumes.

Credit, where credit’s due

To help technology startups stabilize their core research and development and further boost innovation, Lin-gang introduced a new type of loan early last year.

Tech companies can use the loan for stock ownership and equity incentives. Companies from the integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, electronic information, life science, high-end equipment and advanced materials sectors can apply for the loans as long as they have at least one technological achievement already acknowledged by the government.

By the end of June, 16 Lin-gang-based companies had applied for the new loans, and eight had already received them. In September 2023, the pilot program was extended to Zhangjiang, another part of Shanghai with a cluster of pharmaceutical companies.

More practical measures are also being introduced in Lin-gang to retain and attract talent. Over 2,200 people from 200 companies have been approved for home subsidies totaling 50 million yuan, to settle in Lin-gang. Another 2.5 million yuan in rental subsidies has also been granted to nearly 300 people.

Meanwhile, construction of Dishuihu School, a public school covering 12 grades, started in March. It will receive its first primary and middle school students in 2025. With a total investment of 2.34 billion yuan, the school will support the families of workers and offer courses in subjects such as AI and IC to cater to Lin-gang’s development needs.

During a visit to the area in late July, Shanghai’s Party secretary Chen Jining compared Lin-gang to a vigorous and adventurous “little tiger”, and said it should strive to complete the reform and pioneering tasks assigned to it by the government.

The special area has the potential to grow into a vibrant growth engine for Shanghai by attaching greater importance to soliciting new businesses and investment, introducing fresh talents, nurturing new industries and consolidating its existing advantages, he said.

“By aligning with China’s major development strategies, Lin-gang should initiate more reform and lead further opening-up. More new quality productive forces and world-class industrial clusters should be nurtured here by giving full play to its advantages in institutional innovation and continued opening-up,” Chen added.

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Concerns Around Ethical Risks of Generative AI Remain High Amid Increased Adoption: ‘Deloitte State of Ethics and Trust in Technology’ Report




Over half (54%) of professionals surveyed believe technologies like Generative AI pose the highest ethical risk compared to other emerging technologies

NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — While widespread use of Generative AI (GenAI) has broadened awareness of its potential benefits, concerns about the risks its misuse poses to businesses and individuals remain top of mind, according to Deloitte’s third annual report on the “State of Ethics and Trust in Technology.” Among the over 1,800 professionals surveyed for 2024’s report, 46% of individuals believe cognitive technologies have the potential to create the most social good when used responsibly, up from 39% in 2023. However, like last year’s report, over half (57% in 2023 and 54% in 2024) of respondents also said that cognitive technologies like AI and GenAI present the most severe ethical risks compared to other emerging technologies, underscoring the sustained need for ethical guidelines to govern its use.

When it comes to the development of ethical guidelines for emerging technologies, just over one-quarter (27%) of respondents report their organizations have distinct ethical standards for GenAI. Report findings suggest organizations where ethical guidelines are absent or underutilized may continue to be exposed to risks and miss opportunities to enhance stakeholder trust and build social, reputational and financial value.

The study, led by Deloitte’s Technology Trust Ethics practice, surveyed over 1,800 business and technical professionals globally to understand how organizations value and implement ethical principles for emerging technologies. The practice interviewed 26 specialists and leaders across industries and within Deloitte to gather insights in support of the survey’s findings.

“The accelerated adoption of GenAI and other emerging technologies demands a collaborative approach among organizations, leaders, and professionals with diverse experiences and perspectives to define and implement appropriate ethical standards,” said Lara Abrash, chair, Deloitte US. “Future generations will look back on the decisions made today. It is important to honor the collective responsibility for those who will inherit the world shaped during this time.” 

Key findings

Safety first: In this year’s survey, 78% of respondents selected “safe and secure” as one of the top three ethical technology principles, a 37% increase from respondents in the previous year’s survey. When it comes to concerns around AI, respondents highlighted data privacy as the most significant, with 40% of respondents ranking data privacy as their top concern.

Organizations face challenges building trust among employees: Trust in one’s organization and its emerging technologies may be declining and more pronounced in younger generations. In 2023, 87% of millennial and 81% of Gen Z respondents reported buy-in to their organization’s ethical messaging; in 2024 those figures decreased to 77% and 65% respectively. Overall buy-in fell from 89% to 81%, indicating employees of all ages are aligned with their organizations but may decline if left unaddressed.

Reputation is top of mind: When asked to rank the potential negative outcomes to organizations if ethical standards are not followed for emerging technologies, respondents rated reputational damage (82%), financial damage (66%), and regulatory penalties (60%) as their top three concerns.

Trainings and tools outpace other ethics approaches: Investment in technology ethics training is on the rise, with 80% of respondents required to complete mandatory technology ethics training, an increase of seven percentage points since 2022. Furthermore, two-thirds (67%) of respondents reported their organization provides internal tools to familiarize employees with AI. However, diverse focus groups appear to be less utilized in enacting ethical technology standards with 36% of respondents indicating their organizations used diverse focus groups in the development of standards, the same response rate as last year.

“Widespread availability and adoption of GenAI may have raised respondents’ familiarity and confidence in the technology, driving up optimism about its potential for good,” said Beena Ammanath, executive director, Global Deloitte AI Institute and Trustworthy AI leader, Deloitte LLP. “The continued cautionary sentiments around its apparent risks underscores the need for specific, evolved ethical frameworks that enable positive impact. Designated ethics leaders, diverse working groups, trainings and internal AI tools are methods that should be applied concurrently to help increase the pace and success of ethical guidance efforts.”

Deloitte’s Technology Trust Ethics practice is part of the US Purpose & DEI Office and focuses on embedding ethical decision-making into the development and use of emerging technology, to build trust in those technologies and expand the equitable opportunities of a tech-savvy world to all people.

The practice developed a Technology Trust Ethics framework to help organizations assess the ethical implications of emerging technologies and guide responsible decision-making in the design, operation and governance of those technologies.

Deloitte’s research included interviews in April and May 2024 with 26 executives and surveyed more than 1,800 business and technical professionals involved in developing, consuming or managing emerging technologies. Respondents represented industry sectors including technology, media and telecommunications; financial services; life sciences and health care; consumer; energy, resources and industrials; academia; government and public service; and nonprofit. The survey spanned the impact of Generative AI on organizations, the understanding of and value placed on ethical principles for emerging technologies, and mechanisms to implement ethical behavior throughout their organizations. 

About Deloitte
Deloitte provides industry-leading audit, consulting, tax and advisory services to many of the world’s most admired brands, including nearly 90% of the Fortune 500® and more than 8,500 U.S.-based private companies. At Deloitte, we strive to live our purpose of making an impact that matters by creating trust and confidence in a more equitable society. We leverage our unique blend of business acumen, command of technology, and strategic technology alliances to advise our clients across industries as they build their future. Deloitte is proud to be part of the largest global professional services network serving our clients in the markets that are most important to them. Bringing more than 175 years of service, our network of member firms spans more than 150 countries and territories. Learn how Deloitte’s approximately 460,000 people worldwide connect for impact at

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Green Security Welcomes Anton Vishnyak as Chief Technology Officer to Fuel Growth




Vishnyak to drive innovation in compliance and access management SaaS platform

CLEARWATER, Fla., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Green Security LLC, a leading provider of SaaS healthcare compliance and access management solutions, announced today that it appointed Anton Vishnyak as its Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Vishnyak has more than a decade of experience building and scaling software engineering organizations.

“We are thrilled to welcome Anton to the Green Security team,” said Mickey Meehan, Chief Executive Officer of Green Security. “His expertise in technology strategy, coupled with his experience in managing high-performing engineering teams, will be pivotal as we continue to scale our platform and expand our offerings. Anton’s ability to engage with developers, architects, customers, and partners at all levels of detail will enhance our capacity to innovate and deliver exceptional service.”

As CTO, Vishnyak will lead the company’s technology strategy and oversee software solution development, reinforcing Green Security’s position in healthcare access management, compliance and safety.

“I am excited to join Green Security and help drive its next growth phase,” said Anton Vishnyak. “Green Security’s commitment to safeguarding healthcare facilities through advanced software solutions resonates strongly with me. We have an impressive team, and I look forward to working closely with them on enhancing our technology offerings and continuing to set new standards for automated access compliance solutions.”

Vishnyak’s impressive career includes roles as Head of Engineering at Venice Music where he created the first AI manager for recording artists, VP of Software Engineering at ATLAS Lift Tech where he led the development of a hospital patient monitoring system to prevent Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPI) – saving hospitals millions of dollars yearly in litigation and worker compensation costs (patent pending), and the CTO position at b8ta, where he led the creation of a patented innovative retail platform that powered over 35 stores in addition to joint ventures with Macy’s, Toys’R’Us and international b8ta locations in the Middle East and Japan.

Furthermore Vishnyak led development of an enterprise platform that powered contract negotiation and benchmarking required by modern hospital procurement departments at purchased services tech firm Conductiv (formerly Medpricer), and led the development of a retail design platform used by Apple to manage their worldwide non-owned store retail displays and an inventory/rep scheduling platform powering Stryker and J&J distributors across their sales and surgical visits at Mobitor Corporation.

Vishnyak is the company’s third executive hire this summer, following the appointment of Mickey Meehan to Chief Executive Officer and Rhonda Harms to Chief Financial Officer.

About Green Security LLC

Green Security is a leading provider of enterprise access compliance and safety solutions for the healthcare providers, creating a safe and secure visitor environment, while efficiently managing visits from more than 120,000 approved vendors representatives across more than 130 healthcare systems representing more than 1,500 facilities across the United States. Their innovative platform automates vendor background checks and access management, ensuring only authorized personnel can enter healthcare facilities. By elevating security standards and streamlining processes, Green Security empowers healthcare organizations to protect patients, staff, and facilities while maintaining operational efficiency.

Media Contact

Kim Peterson, Green Security, 1 (720) 316-4517,, 

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Open XR Optics Forum Releases Management Requirements White Paper




SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Open XR Optics Forum is excited to announce the publication of its Management Requirements White Paper. With 17 authors of 13 forum member companies, this pivotal document provides an in-depth evaluation of the management interface and API requirements essential for advancing the development and adoption of next generation advanced pluggable transceivers, including Open XR optics products and services.

Key Highlights:

Relevance to Next-Generation Pluggable Transceivers: The white paper’s findings are crucial for managing all next-generation advanced pluggable transceivers, ensuring seamless integration and interoperability across multi-vendor environments.Focus on Multivendor Integration: Emphasizing the importance of decoupling host and module functionalities, the white paper lays the groundwork for a multivendor operational environment and seamless automation of Open XR Optics networks.Alignment with Industry Standards: The document ensures that Open XR management requirements are reflected in API and data model definitions, aligning closely with existing industry standards to facilitate smooth network evolution.Future Steps: Recommendations for further evaluation and standards activities include analyzing potential gaps in the OpenConfig definition and propose extensions to OpenConfig to support XR Optics functionality.

The Open XR Optics Forum continues to drive innovation and standardization to better enable the wide scale deployment of coherent pluggable transceiver technology in a variety of host devices across a variety of network applications. This white paper is a testament to the collaborative efforts and dedication of our member companies and contributors.

For more information and to download the white paper, visit Open XR Optics Forum at

About Open XR Optics Forum
Open XR Optics Forum was founded to foster collaboration between its members to facilitate the adoption and accelerate the growth of network architectures leveraging intelligent point-to-point and point-to-multipoint coherent pluggable transceivers. Members will work to ensure the products and services developed align with existing standards and operational models by driving the standardization of network interfaces and electro-mechanical hardware interfaces, demonstrating interoperability, establishing multi-sourcing potential, and developing and publishing new specifications as needed. This will accelerate the wide adoption and deployment of XR optics’ innovative technology by a broad spectrum of network operators in a wide variety of applications. Open XR Optics Forum membership is intended for network operators, network equipment vendors, and component suppliers.

Media Contact
Engage PR for Open XR Optics Forum
Jeannette Bitz 


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