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Private equity finds a footing but still searching for momentum as two-year slump bottoms out–Bain & Company’s PE Midyear Report



Global PE looks to have arrested its freefall as the slide in dealmaking and exits levels off Buyout deal numbers set to stay flat vs 2023 with higher average deal size driving a rise in deal valueMultiple challenges facing the sector put the premium for PE firms on adjusting to a new normal

BOSTON, June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ –The two-year long slump in global private equity looks finally to be bottoming out, with the industry finding a footing from which to climb back, Bain & Company concludes in its 2024 Private Equity Midyear Report

But while PE activity appears to have arrested its freefall, Bain cautions that it remains subdued by historical standards – especially relative to a $3.9 trillion mountain of available dry powder ($1.1 trillion of this committed but uncalled capital in buyout funds). Prospects for revival remain tentative with momentum still scarce, Bain finds.

Among positive signals for prospects, the PE industry’s precipitous slide in both deal-making and exits over the past two years largely levelled off in the first months of this year, Bain’s analysis shows.

Globally, PE’s buyout deal count through May 15 was down 4% on an annualized basis versus 2023, putting it on track to finish the year broadly flat compared with last year’s tally. Buyout deals’ global value is on track to finish the year at $521 billion, up 18% from 2023’s $442 billion – but with the rise driven by a higher average deal size ($916 million, up from $758 million) rather than more deals.

Exits also looked to have halted the steep declines of the past two years. The total number of buyout-backed exits is tracking flat on an annualized basis, while exit values are trending to finish 2024 at $361 billion, registering a 17% rise from 2023 – but still leaving this year shaping up as the second worst for PE exit values since 2016.

In a further indication of steadily reviving optimism over the outlook, Bain also reports that informal discussions with general partners (GPs) globally suggest that deal pipelines are already beginning to refill, with many sighting “green shoots” of a recovery emerging. GPs’ latest observations are more upbeat than in Bain’s most recent March survey of 1,400 PE market participants which found that 30% did not expect a dealmaking resurgence until Q4 of this year, with close to 40% expecting that to take until 2025 or beyond.

Yet while Bain’s report notes that 2024’s final tally of deal value will likely approach that of the buoyant years before an anomalous post-pandemic spike in 2021, it suggests that it is too soon to assume a “return to normal”, with a sustained upswing in activity, given the series of key challenges that confront the PE industry.

“With the year having got off to a better start we’ve been cautiously optimistic about 2024’s outlook. We’re seeing that validated with the data that’s coming through, as well as other indicators, showing that PE is at an important turning point with dealmaking and activity now picking up. So we see better prospects emerging,” Rebecca Burack, global head of Bain & Company’s Private Equity practice, said. “But the challenges facing the industry, for example around interest rates, value creation, and especially the exit logjam and the need to respond to pressure to get capital back to limited partners, mean this year will also be an important inflection point in other ways, too, as GPs look to get the wheel spinning once again.”

Adjusting to the ‘new normal’ imperative amid higher rates and an array of challenges

Bain’s Private Equity Midyear Report maps out an array of critical challenges that PE players are under pressure to address urgently, from prolonged uncertainty over the macro-economy and interest rates that look set to stay higher for longer, to continuing geopolitical turbulence, to the sector’s exits gridlock. Bain urges that PE firms need to move quickly and decisively to adapt to a changed market – rather than expect a rapid resumption of business as usual, as seen before the market slowdown over the previous two years.

“The imperative is to adjust to the ‘new normal’,” said Hugh MacArthur, chairman of the global Private Equity practice at Bain & Company. “It typically takes 12 months or more for a boost in exits to produce a turnaround in fund-raising – so even if dealmaking picks up this year it could take until 2026 before the fundraising environment really improves. So in a hotly competitive market for capital, PE firms needs to make decisive moves to change the narrative. They need to use this time to take a clear look in the mirror and understand how LPs really see their fund and then to translate those insights into stronger performance and more competitive positioning. Importantly, that includes sharpening value creation – in an environment of higher rates the premium is going to be on producing margin and revenue growth in portfolio businesses.”

Exits gridlock persists, multiplying pressure to return more cash to LPs and hampering fund-raising

The continuing deep freeze afflicting PE exits is a critical area of pressure highlighted in the report. It finds that the continued low level of exits, leaving PE firms sitting on trillions in unsold and aging assets, is making life increasingly uncomfortable for GPs in multiple ways.

Crucially, Bain notes that the prolonged slump in exits is preventing the return of capital to LP investors that are increasingly pressing for a rise in current low levels of distributed-to-paid-in capital (DPI). In turn, LPs’ dissatisfaction over distributions is impeding new fund-raising with investors focusing new commitments on a narrower swath of favored funds. A recent poll by the Institutional Limited Partners Association showed only a small minority of LPs were satisfied by the urgency GPs are placing on increasing liquidity.

The impact on fund-raising means that the environment for PE to secure new capital remains a tale of haves and have-nots, Bain reports. Through May 15, the industry raised $422 billion versus $438 billion over the same period last year. The trend suggests fundraising will reach an annualized $1.1 trillion in 2024 – marking a 15% drop from the previous year. Buyout funds are dominating the fund-raising landscape , with $199 billion raised up to May 15, and the category set to reach a tally of $531 billion by year-end, a 6% rise from 2023’s total.

Bain highlights that while the overall fund-raising figures look relatively robust, LPs’ increasing focus on a narrowing swath of favored fund managers means that in buyouts the 10 largest funds closed took in some 64% of total capital raised so far this year, with the largest single fund (the $24 billion EQT X fund) accounting for 12%.  As a result, the bulk of buyout funds are left to battle over the remaining 36% of capital available and at least one in five buyout funds is closing under its target.

One brighter spot for exit prospects is a reopening of the initial public offering market, sparked by a surge in public equities over the past six months that has also relieved some liquidity pressures on LPs, today’s report notes. But while a revived IPO market has produced several large exits in Europe, the report adds that IPO exit channel still represents only a sliver of exit totals, with the corporate deals and sponsor-to-sponsor exit channels still largely flat.  

Persistent macro nerves and rate-related operational challenges keeping dealmakers cautious

Persistent macro-economic and geopolitical uncertainties, with still-elevated global interest rates that may not be lowered as much as expected this year, also remain a persistent drag on PE’s revival prospects, Bain finds. It notes that still-elevated rates are keeping dealmakers cautious, distracted, and wary on either side of transactions – while also aggravating the challenge of managing rate-related issues within existing portfolios.

Interest rates that have stayed higher for longer have also raised the stakes for funds in holding assets over longer periods in the face of the declining exits, Bain says. Balance sheets have come under pressure from the increased cost of debt financed by adjustable-rate loans so that portfolio managers are spending increasing time in negotiation with lenders and managing operational issues, with this then acting as a brake on new dealmaking activity.

Against this backdrop, and with a full-blown revival in fundraising and overall PE activity likely to take a number of months to come through, Bain’s analysis advocates for firms to implement determined action to fully understand their LP investors’ expectations and needs – and to develop a comprehensive plan across their portfolios to meet those requirements and deliver value.

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Bain & Company is a global consultancy that helps the world’s most ambitious change makers define the future.

Across 65 cities in 40 countries, we work alongside our clients as one team with a shared ambition to achieve extraordinary results, outperform the competition, and redefine industries. We complement our tailored, integrated expertise with a vibrant ecosystem of digital innovators to deliver better, faster, and more enduring outcomes. Our 10-year commitment to invest more than $1 billion in pro bono services brings our talent, expertise, and insight to organizations tackling today’s urgent challenges in education, racial equity, social justice, economic development, and the environment. We earned a platinum rating from EcoVadis, the leading platform for environmental, social, and ethical performance ratings for global supply chains, putting us in the top 1% of all companies. Since our founding in 1973, we have measured our success by the success of our clients, and we proudly maintain the highest level of client advocacy in the industry.

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AIE Graduates create visual effects for Academy-nominated film




NAWI, a feature film whose visual effects were created by graduates from the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE), has been officially nominated by Kenya for entry into the 97th Academy Awards in the category of Best International Feature Film. NAWI is a heartfelt story about a young girl’s journey towards empowerment and aims to shed light on a pressing issue that affects countless young women in the Turkana region of Kenya.

CANBERRA, Australia, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — NAWI, a feature film whose visual effects were created by graduates from the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE), has been officially nominated by Kenya for entry into the 97th Academy Awards in the category of Best International Feature Film. NAWI is a heartfelt story about a young girl’s journey towards empowerment and aims to shed light on a pressing issue that affects countless young women in the Turkana region of Kenya.

“The film has a very important social message to tell so it was rewarding in many ways to be able to contribute to this project. NAWI was a fantastic opportunity for our graduates to put their skills to the test on a full-length feature film,” said Tom Pugh.

AIE graduates and teachers were given the opportunity to work on the film’s visual effects through AIE’s ongoing partnership with Learning Lions, who produced the film with Film Crew & Baobab Pictures. AIE is proud to support Learning Lions non-profit mission to enable young adults in marginalised rural communities of East Africa to become digital creatives by providing game development training and technology.

The visual effects for NAWI were brought to life by AIE teachers and experienced industry professionals, Thomas Magill and Tom Pugh, who were tasked with supervising the visual effects and liaising with the film’s Directors, Apuu Mourine, Kevin Schmutzler, Tobias Schmutzler and Toby Schmutzler. They assembled a team of recent AIE graduates and worked out how to create the effects required to immerse audiences in Nawi’s world.

“Graduates were able to take the skills they had learnt in class and apply them to cinema-quality footage. There was even a bit of nervous excitement working with professional expectations and deadlines,” said Tom Pugh.

Thomas Magill explained that most of the work involved compositing such as fixing blemishes, removing unwanted folds in clothing, changing pages in a book and removing background actors that were in the wrong place.

“We had a river shot where there was only a sandbank, and we had to create an entire island! There were several shots filmed in a dry riverbed which required us to create floodwater. We had to draw upon various disciplines: not just digital compositing but also visual effects creation and fluid simulations,” said Thomas Magill.

Both teachers enthused that the directors were a pleasure to work with and the collaboration was smooth.

“The film has a very important social message to tell so it was rewarding in many ways to be able to contribute to this project. NAWI was a fantastic opportunity for our graduates to put their skills to the test on a full-length feature film,” said Tom Pugh.

Learning Lions and AIE look forward to seeing NAWI progress through two rounds of voting by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to narrow the list of submitted films down to five nominees for the Best International Feature Film.

About Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE)

AIE offers practical, career-focused courses delivered by industry-experienced teachers in 3D animation, game development, visual effects and film. Since 2019 AIE has sponsored scholarships to their Certificate and Diploma programs to Learning Lions student. AIE provided laptops and is supporting with opportunities at various gaming companies around the world for paid part-time and full-time work.

About Learning Lions

Learning Lions is fighting poverty with digital opportunity. Established in 2015, Learning Lions equips local youth with essential IT and media skills, and empowering them to become entrepreneurs and self-sustaining individuals. By leveraging digital services, these aspiring entrepreneurs not only support themselves but also provide opportunities for others through employment and mentorship.

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Valhalla MSO Launches Impetus One to Enhance Valhalla Vitality’s Telehealth Platform




Valhalla MSO launches Impetus One, enabling healthcare providers to expand services, improve patient retention, and boost revenue with no upfront costs

MIAMI, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Valhalla MSO is excited to announce the launch of Impetus One (IO), a new software designed to power the Valhalla Vitality Network Provider Program. This initiative aims to expand the reach and capabilities of independent healthcare providers by offering an alternative to the traditional insurance model. With a focus on preventative medicine and wellness therapies, the platform is set to enhance patient care while creating new revenue opportunities for providers.

The Valhalla Vitality Network Provider Program addresses the gap created by insurance companies that often deny coverage for preventative medicine, wellness services, and even weight loss therapies. Insurance typically does not compensate healthcare providers for the time spent improving a patient’s overall health. Impetus One (IO) offers an alternative by providing a cash-pay marketplace where providers are fairly compensated for delivering impactful, life-changing services to their patients.

Key Benefits for Providers

Impetus One Software Integration: The platform integrates seamlessly with Valhalla Vitality, offering an e-commerce marketplace that connects patients with a wide range of health services. Providers can easily adopt the system to deliver therapies and other services, ensuring smooth payment processing and order fulfillment.No Upfront Costs: Providers can join the Network Provider Program without any initial fees. They simply share a unique link with patients, allowing for easy access to services, and payments are processed as orders are placed. Partner pharmacies handle medication shipments directly, creating a hassle-free experience for providers.Boosting Patient Retention: The platform includes a VIP Rewards Program, designed to increase patient retention and loyalty. Patients earn points for discounts and exclusive benefits, which encourages ongoing engagement and care continuity.E-commerce and Wellness Integration: Unlike typical affiliate programs, Valhalla Vitality allows providers to retain full control of their patient relationships. Providers can generate revenue through the integrated e-commerce system without worrying about referral fees or kickbacks, enabling them to focus solely on delivering high-quality patient care.

By joining the Valhalla Vitality Network Provider Program, healthcare providers gain access to a scalable model that helps increase profits, introduce new services, and enhance patient satisfaction. The VIP Rewards Program also strengthens the bond between patients and providers, making healthcare more accessible and rewarding for all.

Healthcare providers looking to grow their practices and increase revenue can join the Valhalla Vitality Network by visiting Valhalla MSO’s new platform is a powerful tool for delivering advanced, patient-centric healthcare with a focus on accessibility and quality.

For more information, visit Valhalla Vitality at

Media Contact

Chris K., Valhalla Vitality, 888-888-8888,,

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Ultima Markets Wins Two Prestigious Awards at Global Forex Awards–Retail 2024!




LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Sept. 19, 2024  /CNW/ — Ultima Markets, a leading global forex and CFDs brokerage, is thrilled to announce its double success at the prestigious Global Forex Awards – Retail 2024. The company won two distinguished awards: “Best Affiliates Brokerage – Global” and “Best Fund Safety – Global.”

The awards were presented during the event in Limassol, Cyprus, where Jean Philippe, Board Advisor, Corporate Governance and Sustainability at Ultima Markets, accepted the honours.

The Global Forex Awards – Retail has celebrated excellence in trading innovation for seven consecutive years. Ultima Markets’ dual wins reflect its commitment to quality, client-centric strategies, and strong partnerships across the financial services sector.

The “Best Affiliates Brokerage—Global” award recognises Ultima Markets’ exemplary affiliate programme, which has successfully driven its global expansion. It is celebrated for its transparency and competitive rewards tailored to affiliate needs.

Receiving the “Best Fund Safety – Global” award highlights Ultima Markets’ efforts to safeguard client assets. Through its partnership with Willis Towers Watson, the company provides up to USD$1,000,000 in insurance per account, while its Financial Commission membership ensures clients access to up to €20,000 in compensation funds.

These recognitions underscore Ultima Markets’ priority to security and transparency, including segregated accounts and robust risk management practices. The broker also assures affiliate partners of exceptional standards.

Commenting on the awards, Jean Philippe said, “These recognitions reflect the exceptional work of our teams to ensure the safety of traders’ funds and our dedication to creating value for our partners and clients. We will continue to evolve and innovate to meet the market’s demands.”

Ultima Markets is renowned for its extensive range of trading products and personalised customer service, designed to meet clients’ diverse needs worldwide. The dual recognition marks a significant milestone in the company’s global growth and reaffirms its reputation for delivering fund safety and robust affiliate opportunities.

“We are delighted to be recognised with these awards, which reflect our mission to create a secure trading environment and build strong, rewarding partnerships,” said Jack Li, Ultima Markets’ Regional Business Director.

About Ultima Markets

Ultima Markets is a fully licensed, fast-growing broker offering access to 250+ financial instruments. With a team of 2,000+ professionals in 15 global offices, we serve clients in 172 countries. Check out more about our awards on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.



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