Telegram announced that the anonymous account’s claims are “baseless” and are made to “get users to download malware.”
Whale buying and selling has effectively told traders how to position their bids and asks, data reveals.
The new fund is intended to support the growth of NFT, gaming, and DeFi projects on Solana and to help keep former Terra developers on their...
The group of 21 activists provided examples of how crypto assists people around the world, saying “tens of millions” rely on Bitcoin (BTC) and stablecoins as...
The duo will launch a Budweiser-themed race track, Budweiser NFT passes, racing prize pools starting at $45,000 and three tiers of airdropped Clydesdale NFT skins that...
A new report from Kraken Intelligence reveals that Metaverse tokens were one of only two categories of crypto that saw year-on-year growth in prices.
“We’ll be looking at all the bills very, very closely. We have a lot of work to do over the next six months,” said Governor Hochul.
Custodia wants to compel the Federal Reserve Board and its Kansas City branch to approve its application for a Fed master account within 30 days.
The use of a Dutch auction on its own chain may be two major factors that contributed to the sale’s success in selling out the Land...
Ahead of the July 6 SEC decision, the investment giant has hired Don Verrilli, a former U.S. Solicitor General as a senior legal strategist, working alongside...